
Selfish drivers....?

by Guest66534  |  earlier

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what would happen if decent, considerate drivers stopped compensating for stupid selfish, inconsiderate idiot drivers.

would it be a good thing?

would it mean that these drivers would be at fault for most accidents, and hence their insurance premiums would increase, in some cases to the point where they could no longer be able to find a company to insure them.

so intead of trying to avoid hitting a car that has a bad driver art the wheel, just drive straight into them, providing you are have right of way. maybe we could get some of these idiots removed from the highways.





  1. Seems like you haven't really thought this through.

    Even if you have the right of way and someone cuts you off or gets into your path, you still have an obligation to avoid the accident. If you don't, and other witnesses see, and testify that you clearly had time to avoid the accident, you could be ticketed or even charged with something.

    Insurance premiums would sky rocket instead of go down; for both "good" drivers and the "idiot" drivers.

    The insurance companies still have to pay out claims, and if there are an increase in accidents, they have to dole out more money. And  those extra costs would have to come from some where.

    And what if that driver doesn't have insurance already? Not being able to get it won't affect them. Not all states require that drivers be insured. And even in the states that do, people who don't buy it are still going to drive!

    Then, when you get into an accident, your stuck with paying your own insurance deductible. Your insurance has to pay for any damage to your car or your person; possibly causing your premiums to be raised. You have the inconvenience of having your car in the shop, and, possibly lost time while trying to get the money out of that person; whether it be having to call them yourself, or waisting more time and money going to court.

    And even if you win a settlement, there is not guarantee you'll get paid. The courts just don't write you a check when you win. So there may be more money and time wasted in hiring a collections agency on your behalf to get your money!

    Not to mention any injuries and needless deaths that could be suffered by you or the other driver; and the possible passengers in either car.

    No stupid and selfish drivers are just a pain one has to deal with. What makes people smart, decent drivers are those who pay attention to what's going on and avoid accidents.


    What your advocating is flat out road rage! How is that considerate or responsible?

  2. Yeah

  3. you better go drink some coffee and take ur meds...crashing into a "bad" driver makes you.....a bad driver...

  4. Two police officers standing over a dead body in the middle of the road after it has been extracted from a totalled vehicle.

    First Officer:  "Well, the guy had the right of way, so he was definitely right."

    Second Officer:  "Yes he was...dead right."

  5. I have actually thought about this myself, all these idiot drivers out there that pull out in front of you, slam on brakes dont use turn signals, etc, etc. I hate it. I want to everyday hit one, but I know I cant. U by law have to do ur best to avoid the accident. But u know if u cant do it well what u supposed to do. Sometiems u just cant avoid the idiot, U know Im gonna install a flame thrower on my rear end for the people that ride my tail, a machine gun for the idiots in front of me that turn with no turn signal, and all the other idiots just better hope they stay the h**l outta my way. Im sick of dealing with the idiots,  roflmao
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