
Selfish mom............?

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I had to buy my own school supplies, my own shoes, and clothes this year. Its making me so mad because my mom has 5 million pairs of shoes and enough clothes that she has two closets. She gets her nails done every week and her hair done every month. She got THREE new pairs of glasses (one pair is sunglasses) and got me the cheapest, ugliest pair of glasses in the whole store. I don't wear them.

I asked if she could spend $50 on my 16th birthday party in two weeks. She is giving me $20 because she is getting her hair cut and colored. I'm pretty mad. I feel like she doesn't care about me. When I try to talk to her, she gets mad because she says $20 is a lot of money to spend on a birthday and I should be thankful.

What should I do? Plan my own birthday? I don't want to spend much money because I only have one new shirt for school and I need to buy more clothes.

Btw, she does have enough money to give me $50. She just chooses to spend it on herself.




  1. I know how you feel! My mum is the same, but maybe not as drastic!

    I think you should talk tpo her alone one day, with NO distractions and explain how upsetting it is to think she doesn't care. Also, tell her how important this bday will be - ur 16th!

    She should come around, if not, then have a girly sleepover! Cheap but fun!

    Good Luck =D

  2. need  more  money

  3. It's time to be a big kid now. Get a job and learn how the world really works. Yeah, maybe she is being a little selfish but just learn from her lack of character. Take pride knowing that you can earn your own money through honest work and become a responsible, self reliant individual. It's got to start sometime. better sooner than later in my opinion.  

  4. Hate to tell you but a lot of parents are like that. Get a job and boy your own things. If your 15 than you could have already gotten a job. And now that your turning 16 you can definitely get a job. I've been relying on myself since I was 14

  5. Do you have a favorite aunt or uncle you can bare your feelings to about this?  Grandmother/Grandfather.  Pick one that gets along well with your mom.

    Sweet 16th, though.  I hope you all the best.

  6. I think you should have a really DEEP CONVERSATION with your mom. The next time you need something..ask your mom. If she says " I have $20 for your birthday already! " than say straight in front of her face " why do you have to be so selfish ! ? " She will feel hurt and she's going to think about it. She's probably spoiling herself because nobody ever spoil her because when she was small her parents weren't that wealthy and her parents probably nevered spoil her?  

  7. Honestly, your Mom is only doing what is best for you. My Mom did the same to me. It will teach you to work for your things. I had to start buying my own things when i was 15. My mom still helped me but if i wanted thise $100 pair of nike sneakers, i knew i had to buy them. It could be that you're Mom is only looking out for herself, but it really does teach you a life lesson. I am now going on 25 and if my Mom would have bought me everything, working a 9-5 job would seem pointless.

  8. Although you should be thankful for $20 for your birthday she is being a bit selfish. You should be her first priority in her life. Not the other way around.

    Good luck.

  9. Forget her. You don't need to deal with that on your sweet sixteen. Ask your friends if you can throw a party at their house. Tell your mom you're having a party with your friends. And if she asks to come tell her "No. Go hang at the salon. You like it more then me." Then walk away. She'll get the cold shoulder and some time to think about how she is treating you.

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