
Selling a house.... what can i do to make it appeal to buyers?

by Guest21258  |  earlier

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We have a small falt two bedroms tidy upsatirs, this will be our first time selling a house so what can we do to make it appeal more to buyers??? any advice is helpful

Thanks in advance




  1. take all personal effects out (including pictures of yourself, family, friends) in other words make it look like a spa, no nick nacks sitting around

    stage the rooms w/just enough furniture to look lived in but not overcrowded w/stuff

    simplify the bed linens and clean up the bathroom if you have a lot of stuff sitting around (put it away)

    paint touch ups where needed or a new coat of paint in a neutral warm color if your walls are currently painted w/loud colors

    you want the potential buyers to be able to visualize/see their stuff in your house

  2. Watch HDTV all day everyday for about a week or two..they have great ideas in about every show they air. If you have a couple bucks to put into it to improve its look then watch it and take some notes on things that would look good in your house. Im sure you will get great ideas. Good Luck!

    Make sure all paint is fresh and nutrual colors, bathroom and kitchen are semi upgraded, landscaping outside is kept up and used, no oversized furniture (takes away from floor space), take all personal items out of site, make sure it is not too cluttered yet not too bare either,

  3. you should re paint front and inside the house.vacum your carpets/ pictures of it in newspaper or should also plant new flowers or plants in your front and backyard.hope this helps you. = )

  4. Paint the walls a neutral color (I painted mine a warm buttery yellow).  Declutter, depersonalize and clean it from top to bottom.  Any repairs that need to be done, do them and any updates you can do will usually make it more appealing to prospective buyers.

  5. Repaint the walls, fix the carpets(if needed), add pictures around the house. Make it look warm and cozy for potential buyers.

  6. As a professional home stager, the best thing you can do for your home to resale is neutralize it. It's difficult b/c you still live there but these few steps will help.

    1. Pre-pack and remove unnecessary items and clutter from property if at all possible or stack neatly in garage or closet. This also means removing ALL canisters, toaster ovens, etc from kitchen. Do NOT throw everything in cabinets and drawers. Buyers want to know there's enough space for their things, too.

    2. Establish ONE purpose to each room. No multi-tasking. If it's an office there should be no bed. If it's a bedroom, buyers will not want to see an exercise bike and kids toys.

    3. Clean, clean, clean! Bathrooms and kitchens especially. Don't forget the oven & fridge, too.

    4. Remove pets from premises if at all possible. You might not notice it but pets stink. If you can't remove them, ask all showings to call 30 minutes b4 and take pets out or put them outside or in a garage and spray a neutralizing air deodorizer. Not a fragrant one.

    5. Make sure all paint is neutral in color (no burgundy accent walls) and that trim is free of scuffs and chips.

    6. Flowers and fruit. If your budget will allow - have containers of blooming flowers at your door, fresh cut flowers in a bathroom is nice, and a bowl of lemons or such on the kitchen counter says" I'm a happy home, come stay"

    7. Remove, replace or repair ANYTHING that looks like it needs to be done. Buyers have tons of choices and will choose the house that is move-in ready every time.

  7. 1. Clean it to a white glove shine before any visits

    2. Find all the great place nearby and make a map

    3. Watch the shows on TV about making up a home

    4. Fix anything broken if you can afford it

    5. Place the ad on

    6. Take REALLY GOOD pictures

    7. Highlight the good

    8. Downplay, or remove, the bad

    9. Have copies of your utility bills at the ready

    10. Smile when you show people the house

    Final note: Do not assume your real estate agent has any idea what they are doing.  Make sure you know who you are selling the house to and that those kinds of people are seeing your ads.  

    Good luck

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