
Selling a surfboard?

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How much is a 1970's single-fin 7ft Rainbow Ryders surfboard worth?




  1. Best thing to do is post it up on some surf-centric resources like (surf design site), message boards or try to find private collectors out there.  Likewise, Craigslist is a good option as well.

    I don't know much about your particular board but I'll throw caution into the wind; there is a local guy that has tried to sell a "Baywatch Special" surfboard with a Baywatch logo on it for like 2 years.  He thinks its worth $1000 or more.  Again, it is still for sell.

    Thus, your board is worth what someone will pay for it.  If its in great shape and is something of interest, people will pay.  You just need to get the word out of its character.  As another resource, try the Surfboard Museum in Southern California (I like near Dana Point or maybe Oceanside).  You can likely find a link on the web.  Send them some pictures and see if they can help you put a value on it.   Then go from there.....

    Good luck.

  2. When I had to quit surfing (health reasons) I sold three boards back to the shop I purchased them from and lost about 65% of my purchase price. These were modern boards as well. I don't know your local market, but I would be surprised if you got $50.00 to $100.00 for your board.

    Your best bet is to sell to a beginner or a collector.

    After reading your detail, like d**n dude!

    I don't blame you. If you do not need the money, then hold on to the board. If it is worth $2500.00 now, think what it will be worth later.
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