
Selling ads for yearbook, nervous on phone?

by Guest62836  |  earlier

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Well, this is my first year on the yearbook staff, and I have to sell 8 ads. Well, my mom told me to call people (businesses, etc) and ask if they want to purchase one for $35. Well, I get nervous when I am on the phone with people I don't know, so any tips?




  1. Write out a script of the things you want to say on the phone. Either word-for-word so you can just read it, or just main bullet points that you need to remember to say, which ever works best for you.

    Also just practicing saying it out loud will help.

    And just remember, it's not a big deal, you're never going to have to talk to them again, and it will be a lot easier than you think it is.  

  2. If your school has a strong sense of community, you could always go to the business in person. You may even sell more that way since it's hard to say no to a cute highschooler working for a cause.

  3. I've had to do this as well, and I know it isn't always the most fun.  But, just tell them who you are and what you are doing, and if they aren't interested, be polite, say thank you, and try someone else.  They won't remember if you stutter over things, and they probably won't remember your name, so don't worry too much, and things will go all right.

  4. Go in person instead.......... ask to talk to the manager....... its more personable that way

  5. The best way to not be nervous is to practice what you are going to say. I would say something like "Hello, my name is so and so, can I please speak to the person in charge of your advertising decisions?" Then if they get someone new introduce yourself again and say "I am trying to raise money for whatever school and I know that our students would potentially be interested in supporting your business so I would like to know if you would be interested in purchasing an add for $35 to be published in our year book." If they say no, just say thank you for  your time. I doubt anyone is going to get rude or nasty with you so just relax and have fun with it! Good Luck!  

  6. have all the information written down in front of you, and a separate sheet of paper for their info if you need it

    now, RELAX

    you'll be fine, the worse they can say is no

    just be polite, and they will be too

  7. ok all you have to do is relax. if you know the person who you are calling find out what their personality is like. if it's a geek, make what your saying sound geekish. like "hi hubert, this is nicki, wanna buy a yearbook? everyone else who got one turned instantly popular, so you wanna buy one?" like that. good luck with  your sales!

  8. Try relaxing sit down relaxed in a chair and make a plan of what you are going to say! Make sure to check off everything on your list before you hang up! Relax its not that big of a deal! You can do it!!! :-)

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