
Selling all shares at once... how difficult?

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Let's say I wanted to take some risk and day trade for one day. I buy 1,000 shares of stock XYZ (large capper, average volume) at $30.00 per share. An hour later I see the bid price for the stock is $30.15 per share, the ask is $30.16 per share.

How quickly can I typically execute a trade selling all 1,000 shares at $30.15 if I were using a decent online broker like TD-Ameritrade?

Further, and correct me if I am wrong, but that would represent a half percentage point profit from my investment minus commission/contract fees. Is this right?




  1. I suggest you call TD Ameritrade and ask.  You buy the stock but it is not instantly available for sale.  I think that the clearing time is about 2 days.  Perhaps you could sell the stock short at 30.15 and cover when your stock is available.  The margin interest would be a factor.

    Best to call TD Ameritrade and make sure.  Additionally, while the execution is rather fast, other orders could be in the queue and yours wouldn't get executed.

  2. If you are going to be satisfied with the  1/2 of 1 % profit, I suggest you find another avenue for investing.   What happens on the day you have to take a 1/2 % loss and still pay the commission and fees?

  3. its not worth it you end up losing money

  4. I think the sell would be pretty quick. you would make $150 minus your commission.  1/2 % profit is correct.

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