
Selling specials in restaurants...?

by  |  earlier

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I work at Outback Steakhouse and over the past few months they've started having seasonal specials that we have to sell. I say HAVE to because all the managers push us really hard to get our customers to order them. It's to the point of being ridiculous. If you don't sell as at least as many as they have set for the day, you have to do extra sidework at the end of the night. They are even basing schedules and sections on how many of these stupid things you can cram down their throat.

I personally hate going out when it seems like a server is trying to push me to order something. I like to let my tables decide want they want, while I usually make suggestions about add-ons or if they are deciding on liquor, I usually up-sell there. I just can't force people to buy into all this propaganda.

It's to the point now I hate going to work because of all the extra work I end up doing bc I don't cram specials down people's throats. Outback used to be such a fun place to work too...




  1. You need to look at this as -  you are the server - you are only giving information to the customer about your specials.  You are only suggesting things to the customer of things that they may like to have but just didn't think of.

    Where I work we have to have the customer tell us no at least once if not twice when we are suggestively selling.

  2. It's their place to make money. If it conflicts with your beliefs, quit.

  3. It seems you don't like it there much  I think maybe you should go work for someone else?

  4. Good day,

    1st of all your mgrs are handling it wrong. Offering special and other things is called up selling....And should be rewarded effort

    not punishment . I was a GM for 23 years.. I want you to copy this for them. Up selling should not be a forced thing, it should come with smile and come naturally to servers that want to offer their guest something special. Mgr remember you get more flys with honey them vinegar...Has a mgr it is YOUR job to inspire the waitstaff. Up selling should not be seen has negative,so instead of the punishment try  incentive. I offered

    Movie tickets, free off day, meals and spa treatments. Every shift change, I held know your specials, where all could sample and offered up wines  and drinks that paired well..

    Up selling has got to come from happy thought and knowledge. Please take a look at your action they will bite you in rear....Good day

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