
Selling vehicle and the person did not ever change it in his name?

by  |  earlier

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My husband sold our old tuck to my son in law, in january he has yet to get it in his name with his insurance. there is no insurance we gave him so long to ge the insurance and get it is his name. Does my husband have a legal right to repo it? son in law has been driving it in my husbands name.




  1. If he paid for it then you don't have the moral right to "repo" it. However you should tell him that you are going to report it to the police and DMV unless he takes care of it within the next week and then follow through on it. If he has an accident, while it is in your name, you're in big trouble.

  2. You can't repo something that is NOT yours.

    You should have taken off the plates (not in Cali) and canceled the insurance.  You can still cancel the insurance ask for the plates back.

    Other than that , you should contact your local DMV (and / or the police).

    Good Luck...

  3. I agree with Greg.

    When you sell a car to someone, it is also your responsibility to notify the DMV change of ownership.

    DMV has a form you can fill out to release your liability.

  4. Better go get it quick. If he signed/you signed, over the title, he will be responsible. I hope you have something in writing to prove you sold it; did you get a bill of sale??

  5. ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS......

    go down to your DMV like yesterday and get the form that says "transfer of liability" write your name and the date you sold this car and his name and plate number

    thats all you need to do and you wont have to worry about anything !!!!!

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