
s***n Allergy? any one help?

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Sometimes when my boyfriend ejaculates the skin that the s***n touches on his OWN body becomes sore to touch and very red. :S like an allergic reaction.

I have never had a problem with this?

Is it possible that he is allergic to himself?

or that he should go for an sti testing?

i have just gone for one, but he isnt too keen on the idea...




  1. Allergic reactions are caused by foreign protein based molecules, which cause mast cell degranulation. While s***n is protein based, it would be impossible for HIM to have an allergic reaction to HIMSELF. (it is possible for you to have a reaction to it, or medication or foods he has eaten recently which can be passed in small amount in s***n) What could occur is an autoimmune response, but that would be located within his testicles which would become swollen, inflamed, cause fevers, increase in white blood cells and i digress and it's not important because it's not happening. As for other types of hypersensitivity reactions??? unlikely and once again would present with other symptoms then just a rash after his own s***n touched his skin

    What is important is the time frame, does the area become sore and red within a matter of second to mins or hours to days? What is most probably the case is an over abundance of some form of bacteria, like Candida Albicans, or another type of bacteria. My advice take him to a doctors and get some swab tests done.

    (doesn't mean it's a STD, or UTI, it's probably just an over abundance of normal regional flora (NRF), but does need to be investigated)

    hope all goes well

    (if you wanted to keep me posted feel free, it's actually quite unusual)

  2. Advise him to go to the doctor and explain the situation, if it hasn't always happened to him it could be something that he is eating.

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