I just, literally like 10 minutes ago, used the restroom and during my urination I noticed a less than normal sensation while urinating, I looked down to my horror to discover a s***n like, yellowish emission.
Now I did some research and I've come to the conclusion it's 1 of 3 things, perhaps more if you can assist me.
It's either a lack of masturbation, I'm a man, it's not uncommon, perhaps since I'm visiting my grandparents and I'm definitely not going to m********e while I'm visiting the built up s***n emitted itself while I was urinating recently.
Or it's gonorrhea or clamydia (sp?), the reason I suspect this is because I recently attended a strip club, I know I know, (cousin took me and it was awesome, but besides the point) I used the restroom there because it was a matter of soiled or not soiled pants.
So now, I know a lot of the rumors of STD transmission through toilet use has been put to rest, but I'm still unsure if it's option one or two or one I've not even thought of, so if anybody could please help shed some light on this issue or reassure my wandering mind that my member will be fine I'd be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the lengthy question and thanks for your responses