
Semi-permanent tattoos?

by Guest66837  |  earlier

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Is it possible to get a semi-permanent tattoo?

One that lasts a year/ years rather than a life time. Ive heard that they are a scam because it isnt possible to have a semi- permanent tattoo?




  1. Well, you can risk it if you really want to.

    The problem is that the ink usually lasts 4-5 years, and when it begins to fade, it may not all go away so you're left with a big, black, blotchy mess.

    I'd not do it.

    You can, however, get a tattoo in white ink (if your skin color is similar) and it won't show up very well; it's subtle. There are also UV glow ink tattoos. You can get them done in a range of colors, but the white ones often don't show, and, depending on your skin/artist the scars won't show much, either.

    Bottom line- if you're getting a tattoo, it's going to be forever unless you're loaded with cash for the lasers...

  2. There is no way to get a semi-permanent tattoo of the type you're describing. It doesn't exist. There have been trials done with special inks but they do not fade evenly and do not disappear fully. The ink is supposed to dissolve into the skin after a number of years, but it doesn't degrade in a controlled or even manner so, despite what the first answerer has said, it's not possible. Sorry.

  3. They had seven year ones for a while. Hairdressers normally did them. And they faded, went blotchy, often scarred, yet never totally went.

    I don't think anyone does them anymore =]

    They do have ink that comes out with fewer laser sessions, but thats about it.

    Or transfers?

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