
Sen. Obama says my Country (America) is in terrible shape....when was it any better?

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Maybe the Clinton years?


The economy was a bad between 1992-1994..In 94 the Republicans took controll of Congress and passed most of the Contract with America..the economy reponsed extremley well...not because of any Clinton bills like: Family leave, etc...if so name can't because Clinton passed NOTHING that helped the economy.

How about the Carter years...LOL., nothing to be said here!

so WHEN?

We have never had more people with health insurance as we do today, in fact 280 Americans have full coverage (20 million don't) the HIGHEST in our nations history.

4.3 growth..this quarter, 17 MILLION new home goes on and on.

so WHEN has America done better?




  1. When Reagan was president.

  2. I liked Obama's line, "we live in the greatest nation on earth, help me change it", what a joke.

  3. 8 years ago.

  4. I can tell you from experience, it sure as h**l wasn't better during the carter nightmare years.  He picked one h**l of a loser to saddle up next to.  

  5. Now comes what I call the "SPIN DOCTORED JARGON MIS-SPEAKS".  Watch them guys, they have been taught pretty good.  It still doesn't change the fact that 8 years with the Republican administration has put our country in 5th place.  Our dollar has red in it.  We have gotten so much money from China.

    You can try and spin it anyway you want to it DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT AMERICA IS IN GENUINE TROUBLE.  


  6. When Clinton finished his term our country had a surplus, meaning we had money in the bank as opposed to the debt our great country is now plagued with. Before Bush's first term, gas was $1.46. (Now it's what, 4 dollars something?)

    Those were "the good old days" but honestly, I like now better because we have the chance to elect Obama. We can't change the past but we can change the future. Together we can create change and a better future for everyone.

  7. Love this revisionist thinking, lol.

  8. Before Bush was elected. Even when our country faced economic problems in the past, there was never a President who lived in his own reality stating our economy is fine, which is what exactly Mccain says.

  9. Post war 40s and 50s were much better (economy-wise).  A family could survive on one income, and not just one high income, but income from a regular job. Most people had health care and the costs were much more affordable.  Many of our goods were made here.  We did not have the huge immigration problem and burden that we now have.  You didn't have to have a 4.0 to get into good universities here in California.  Going to college was much more affordable for an average family and there wasn't so much crowding in the universities.

  10. Clinton presided over the longest period of peace-time economic expansion in American history, which included a balanced budget and a reported federal surplus.[8][9] Based on Congressional accounting rules, at the end of his presidency Clinton reported a surplus of $559 billion

  11. i only have My own personal perspective and YES it was much better from 1993-2000.

  12. My life has been along this way and you are correct in your statements. It's the saying that if you walk in my shoes and it is correct because if you have happenings and direct dealing like this touching you life you can't compare things. I was born and raise in Pa. and living now in Illinois and I've dealed with these things through my children and now grandchildren and Mr. Obama is just an outsider with this picture. He is just saying words to get ahead and did nothing himself to understand what is going on.  

  13. When Bush wasn't president.  

  14. I think your stats on Health care coverage are wrong. What's your source?

    My lot in life was better around 2000 than it is now but i don't blame "W" any more than I credit Bill Clinton. The tech bubble got me, not which buffoon was in the white house.

  15. Umm, maybe when we didnt have a trillion Dollar debt? Veterans being tossed out on the streets even when promised health care? When we didnt have people  being forced to move out of their houses within a few weeks? When people could  afford to spend a bit without breaking the bank?17 million new home owners-30 million out on the streat? When we didnt have immegration issues? When we werent fanning the flames with Russia on the Georgian war? When millions of jobs were in AMERICA, and not in China? When we werent dependent on Imported oil? When people could feed their kids AND fill the gas tank? When people didnt have to sacrifice everything they had to have health insurance? When we still had time to change global warming? When kids could have a decent education that actually prepared them for the real world? Or when college students could actually PAY for college?

    Take your pick, I dont see why Obama is wrong?

  16. It's ALWAYS better when the Dems are in control, as long as you refuse to look at and acknowledge the facts, and the economy is always "the worst it's ever been" when the Dems are trying to gain control.

    Bush was handed a "real recession" from the Clinton's, coupled with BHO's brethren flying airplanes into the World Trade Center NYC before Bush had even completed his first year in office. This attack was also planned and training completed while Clinton was in office.

    Because Clinton took no action against our enemies (he was too busy trying to deny Monica) after Cole, Beirut etc our enemies didn't think Bush would take any action either. Weak Presidents invite war. Not the other way around.

    For those who really want a collapsed economy and more attacks on American soil, Obummer is definitely the way to go. For those who are rational however, McCain/Palin '08

    McCain/Palin '08

  17. William you're such a moron...I haven't heard an intelligent thing come out of you yet.

    To answer your question:  It was NEVER people are SO BEHIND in everything it's unreal.

    We have paid for healthcare, hospitals, you can go to emergency and any doctor any time you want and if you are not happy go get a second opinion.  If you work your dental is usually covered by a plan, if both of you work it's ALL covered.

    You have special ed in school for the needy and for the gifted, special programs, education is second to none...poverty is almost unheard of (well it's increasing thanks the mess you have made with oil and the unstability the war has created).

    Americans have increased our Canadian dollar by 30 cents...while you have sunk to bankruptcy and unemployment as your plants shut and work is outsourced.

    Getting the picture yet?  

    Vote McSame so you can get McPoorer.

  18. The wages in this country have not kept up with inflation for the last 30 years since Reagan. I think it's funny you fail to mention that Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich and cut taxes on the middle class before the economy boomed, exactly what Obama proposes on doing as well.

    Republicans have only cut taxes for the rich, but ignored 95% of Americans and gave them peanuts in return and we had two recessions during Bush's 8 year term.


  20. I once heard of someone flying over the Berlin Wall in a balloon to escape the Carter Administration...  

    All things considered, it's never been better.  

  21. He's recruiting children who don't have the benefit of seeing how badly his party has screwed up the past. I remember the Clinton years....and I also remember they elected a republican congress to keep him in check...and it was congress..NOT HIM who brought us a surplus.  Also...the market boom was hot and heavy with the introduction of the internet.  

    Does no one else remember that the internet finally started going mainstream in 1995?  

    That changed ALOT Of things.

  22. The late 60s and the early 80s were pretty good. You would really have had to live through it to understand.

    The numbers do not tell the whole story. According to the numbers the economy was booming after Reagan brought in NAFTA, but it was also the period of the highest job losses and factory relocation to the border zones of Mexico. The only real growth was in company profits.

  23. During th Clinton years the economy was balanced. The economy now is good if you are a rich person but the whole country has to do better. The housing problem was sponsored by Phil Graham, Mc Cain's buddy who said America was a nation of whiners. If you want a fair assessment, you won't get it from the figures you get but by living out here and watching people loosing their homes.

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