
Senator Obama's work record in the Senate.......?

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'143 days since 2004' - that is the number of actual work days that Senator Obama has racked up............does this make you sick? What is he getting paid for ???




  1. I like this question!  The days he does attend "work" he rarely even votes.  And when he did vote, he actually voted for the war in Iraq that he is now, conveniently, against.

  2. Given this fact, I find it very revealing that the Obama camp is using the experience factor with Governor Palin, who has led the State of Alaska for a full, 24/7/365 two years. Moreover, the way the news media has been drooling over Governor Palin, you would think she was running against Obama for President.

    Another interesting sidenote, when Governor Palin's husband was stopped for DUI, 22 years ago, our darling Barack was admittedly doing cocaine.

    Also, when folks found out about Governor Palin's daughter, did you notice how nervous Obama got in his admonition to the press that discussing children was off limits?  I wonder why........

  3. gee sure sounds like he is for the average American worker... I wish I could have a lifestyle like his with only having worked even 300 days in 4 years time...

    sure kinda blows the myth that democrats are for the hard working American when they don't do much work themselves...

  4. He a was too busy sleeping on the couch and eating BBQ pork rinds.  

  5. He is the only candidate that was against the war that f*** up the economy and made a very very small group of people rich. Why can't you accept that? Are you ok? Does that fact upset you..go lye down in the bathroom, ok?

    (Sorry Jeff. He wasn't even in the Senate at the time the vote was made.)

    Sorry to be so hard in these rants of mine but I am fed up with how the country is attacking this guy, especially obvious, bitter Hillary Clinton supporters... god they're a irritating as h**l to me.

  6. Ok...I cannot take this question anymore.

    You are wrong.  Dead wrong.

    It has been proven by that Barack Obama, since him being sworn into the 109th Congress, that he has served a total of 225 days.  During the 109th Congress, the Senate met a total of 218 times. Obama announced his intent to run for president after 7 days of the 110th Congress.  Obama casted over 630 votes from 04-05...which is about 50 more then McCain did in that same period.  McCain does have more experience...but as of the 109th Congress, Obama has served nearly every day of the Senate (excluding, of course, the time it took to campaign).  

  7. Here is a link to the Senate and all of his votes, or lack there of, in most cases.  And Alex he voted for the war.


    What a concept.  A factual answer with a real source.  

    Sorry. What makes me sick is the gutter level of this election, and the stunning amount of emotional and false information that is thrown out, without a single reputable source for the "facts".

    Someone out there actually asked questions, did their homework, and found an answer.

    Meantime.. the Republican party, IN A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, actually states that people need to stop asking questions about Palin.

    THAT is what should make you sick.  

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