
Senator Obama has been on CNN intermittently today asking all his supporters to please stop the Smears?

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Against Sarah and her family, he was very adamant about it t, so why can't you supporters do as he asks?

What kind of loyal supporters are you?

Don't you realize you are hurting his campaign!

I give Obama thumbs up, for doing that and I see he was genuinely concerned!




  1. they don't realize they are hurting him, Obama himself has a family and 2 daughters, it can happen, it is life, plus his mom was pregnant and unwed, the Repubs can use that against him!

  2. I actually felt for him today as I can tell he was visibly upset, and yes we can lose YA ,if they are being sued for promoting slander about incest, you dumb asses!

  3. The problem is, Obama is supposed to lead and these Morons that are his supporters are proving that he CAN'T lead!

    The left has moved extreme left, which is why you get retards like the DailyKos, who think that they will be controlling Liberal Candidates...and not the other way around.

    Go McCain / Palin '08!

  4. he is just doing it because he knows it will come back big to bite him in the *** if it continues, heh, so i hope it continues nonstop.

  5. Why won't you stop attacking other supporters DX

  6. they are being idiots

  7. I don't think they are Obama supporters here on this site,not the real bad ones, they are just haters or Al Queda probably infiltrating our system, no American could be that hateful

  8. They aren't Obama's supporters,they are your own,can't you tell?

  9. Do any of you realize that Yahoo could be sued, for all the slander about incest by Obama supporters today, they came into my school and took a bunch of Ip addresses and talked to a lot of student, there is something going on, !

    I bookmarked all the links and OA that involved incest today and I am sending it into the Obama camp!

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