
Senator mcCain wants to cut taxes on people who make 3 million dollars and more a year?

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How do u feel about that? How are we going to pay for Iraq if we are cutting taxes!




  1. I feel people making 3 million a year can easily afford paying taxes.

    I also think that it would save him money personally and that totally stinks.

  2. those with more should get taxed more

  3. He's just looking out for his buddies.

  4. The Republicans believe the rich are heroes.  They believe that by rewarding the rich for being rich, and punishing the poor for being poor, they will persuade more poor people to be rich.

    The real agenda of the Republican Party is the concentration of wealth.  Wealth in the US is now more concentrated than any time in our history, worse than the time of the 'robber barons'.

    Of course the difference between a country like the US and a country like El Salvador is not how much wealth the country has, but how concentrated it is.  The GOP is turning us into a third world nation where 98% of the people work hard but never get ahead, so that the other 2% can get richer and richer.

    To vote Republican you have to be either a millionaire or a fool.

  5. I don't really like McCain's take on taxes.

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