
Sending My Daughter To Preschool At 3?

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Im thinking of sending my daughter to preschool when she turns 3.Is it too young or ok.

Also every night Kaitlyn has to sleep with her twin brother and sister who are 1, and when i leave the room she hits them and i do not want to put her with the other twins so where should i put her.

Also how do you get a 2 and a half year old to stop wearing nappies? she will not go to the potty and once i put a pair of undies on her and she thought it was a nappy so it was a big mess so how will i get her to go to the potty?




  1. its really not the age that determines being too young. Is she able to sit down, and follow simple directions? usually most people do send them when there 4, that way they are a little bit more grown up. but i think 3 is fine.

  2. preschool is for robot kids...they take away individuality and teach kids to conform to expectations of the uptight teacher. Childhood is too short to have some stranger dictate your kids development

  3. so mary... ur the uptight teacher? quit ur job if u cant take care of them

  4. I would say pre-school is way to early for a 3 year old.  Wait until she is at least 4.

    You need to discipline her when she hits and be consistent about it.  Take away some of her favorite things whenever she does this.  She is still small, but should not be hitting at the one year olds like that.

    She is not fully potty trained so I would not be putting undies on her until you are certain she has the concept of using the bathroom all the time.  My daughter was about 3 1/2 before she was fully potty trained.  My youngest is doing it before she's two.  They're all different, and night time is the hardest to accomplish.

  5. ok, i dont know about preschools where you are but at my daughters they have to be fully potty trained before they can go.  so sending her at 3 may not even be an option unless she can do the potty by herself.  and my daughters school they have to do it ALL by themselves(pull pants down, get on potty, wipe their own behinds, pull pants up and button and zip, and wash hands)

    otherwise i think 3 is a fine age to send her. but you also need to think about the cut-off dates for kindergarden.

    for example my oldest daughters birthday is in sept and the cut-off is sept 1st so if i had sent her at 3 she would have went to preschool for 3 years and i think thats way to long.

    but my younger daughters bday is in august so i want her to go right away when she turns 3 cause she will only get 2 years of preschool.

    and the sleeping situation is a hard one.  my girls share a room and sometimes it sucks but we only have a 2 bedroom house.  if you have a spare room i would split them up but if you dont there might not be anything you can do.

  6. I work at a non-profit organization and we have several Early Head Start and Head Start Centers that we operate. These programs accept children from newborn to 4.  Each level of classes have education and socialization programs developed for each age group.  So 3 is not to young to enter into a schooling program.  If you feel she's not ready, you can wait another year and try getting her into a VPK (Voluntary Pre-K) program, if offered in your area.  I agree with others that have said you need to discipline her  when she hits her siblings, she could cause some serious injury.

  7. I put my daughter in pre school one week into her 3rd year.  She was more than prepared! She will have to do another year of pre school because of her age but to me she will be more prepared for kindergarten.  It's really up to daughter was potty trained already new her shapes, colors, number, letters, how to spell her name verbally etc...

    As for your two and a half year old I would find her a potty watch and make her go to the potty every 20 mins. when it beeps.  Keep liquids to a minimum after dinner time make her go to the potty before she goes to bed...don't allow a sippy cup in bed with her...  ONLY put a pull up on her when she is sleeping...make it aware of what she is wearing...i.e. undies or pull daughter called them rella's...I hope I may of helped as for the sleeping arrangements I wouldn't know to me it sounds like you may have a jealousy issue on your could try to have a big sister party for her to let her know she is still special...have family over ... have them bring big sister gifts...just a suggestion   GOOD LUCK

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