
Sending SAT scores to colleges?

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so i've taken the SATs once already and im going to take em again in Oct. i was just wondering, because one of the schools i looked at says they want SAT scores sent through collegeboard or whatever testing center.... and when i signed up for the SATs it gave me the option to send em to certain schools. sooo does this mean if i dont input those colleges this time around then ill have to take the SATs a 3rd time when im certain of what colleges i want to see my scores??

also, what if say i got these scores my first time: 610-writing 640-math and 600- reading..... then the 2nd time taking it i got 650- writing 620- math and 610- reading ---- can i take my best scores from both tests and make an ultimate SAT: so id take 650-writing, 640-math and 610-reading---can i do that? or can you only take the scores from each individual test no matter if u did better in some parts.

thanks for much for you help....its just really confusing




  1. no u can go back and change it anytime...most colleges look at the top scores from each section but u cant choose the best scores to send thatrs their decision

  2. To the best of my understanding, SAT scores are like college transcripts. They send every test you've taken (the good and the bad) and they send all parts every time.

    You can go back and add as many new receipient colleges as you want. You just have to pay extra to have them sent - and it can take a good while for them to get there.  

    What you can do - what I've done - is wait and see if you score better in subsequent takings and THEN pay the extra money to have the scores sent to the new schools.

    College Board website has all this info - go there and read up on it.

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