
Sending condolences to an Italian relative - how to do this?

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I want to send a note to my first cousin in Italy that I recently first met, as he has lost a daughter due to illness.

I'm thinking of sending a card that has one or two lines in it in Italian. Any suggestions on what those Italian phrases should be? He is from Southern Italy.

Or of you have any other suggestions on the best way to send my condolences, I would really appreciate hearing them.




  1. Yes, a card is very fitting. If you aren't sure about the Italian you use then a few words in English; they would be easily understood. Do this by all means for it will surely be appreciated.

  2. I'm Italian... Silvia is right. We use to say in that way.

  3. Here some samples.

    I show you how to use them but be careful and in case ask more clarifications about grammar before sending one.

    You can reach me using Yahoo-contacts.


    a) Ricordiamo con affetto la cara x*x e vi siamo vicini nel vostro dolore.

    b) Vi siamo vicini.  x*x resterà sempre nel nostro cuore.

    a-b are similar: the first say ''we remember with love our dear x*x and we are close to you for your lost'' the second ''We are near you.  x*x will always be in our hear''


    Questi fiori siano l'espressione più sentita del nostro sincero cordoglio.

    ''Those flowers as the strongest expression of our truthful grief''


    c) La morte non ci porta via completamente la persona amata, rimane sempre il suo ricordo che ci incita a continuare. Coraggio.

    d) Sapendo quanto fosse grande l'affetto che vi univa, Prego che Dio vi dia la forza per superare questo triste Momento.

    c: means ''Death doesn't take away completely a loved person whose memory lasts and induce us to go on.''

    d:  ''We know how great was the love between you and we prey God to give you the strenght to get over this sad moment''

  4. usually for this things we use formals phrases like

    La famiglia...... si unisce al vostro dolore ed offre il sostegno

    but if u r  relatives we say

    Sono terribilmente dispiaciuto per quanto successo. Io e la mia famiglia ci uniamo al vostro dolore. condoglianze

    ( i'm really sorry for what is happened. me and my family are really close at yours pain. condolences)

    hope to have helped u.

    and condolences

  5. non ci sono parole ,siamo vicino al vostro dolore condoglianze

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