
Sending pictures by emial?

by  |  earlier

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I always try to send pictures to my mom by email but when i write down the code and send it to her, she never gets the picture. For example I upload a picture on photobucket and there are different codes for different stuff like myspace or blogs.There is a section where they give you a code for email. I copy the code and whats suppose to happen is when i paste the code on the emial and i send it my mom should see the picture, but it never shows. Is there any other way i can send pictures by email and they show up?




  1. Which code did you paste?

    You must paste the "Direct link" that is given below the picture.

    And when you send those links to your mom via mail, make sure that you don't delete them from your photobucket account until she receives it.

    You can send pictures through Yahoo.

    First sign in to your Yahoo! Mail.

    Compose a mail by clicking on "Compose",

    Then click on "Attach Files" which is just below the "Subject"

    It will take you to another page where you can attach upto 5 pictures at once. Click on "Browse" and select the picture from your folder that you want to send.

    If you want to attach more than 5 Pictures, click on "Attach More files". After you have finished browsing all the files, click on "Attach files".

    It will take a while for your pictures to get attached.

    And send it.

    That's it.

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