
Senior Cat Owners... Please respond!

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Senior cat owners- please let me know how old your cat is. I was surprised to hear from the vet yesterday that the average age of a cat is 18! That's average?

Just wondering how many people out there have older cats and their ages... I read in Cat Fancy magazine about cats that lived to be in their 30s? Is this possible?

Thanks very much for your response!




  1. Ok so yeah we had a cat that lived to be 17 years old and that is not normal most cat live to be around 12-15 years old. however, it is possible that the cat that lived to be 30 really was 30. because horses usually live to be 25-30 but there was once a horse named old jack that lived to be 62. now that was a miracle. It also depends on how well your cats are cared for cats will almost always live longer if they are indoor cats than outdoor. But only if you play with the indoor ones everyone needs excersize.

  2. My boy is in between 7-9 as approximated by the vet.  We rescued him, so don't know an exact age!   I love my cat to peices, but 30 years!?

    Look at this!

  3. There are averages, and there are averages.  I would guess that on average, an indoor cat should easily make it to 18 years, and some into their low 20's.  And some cats have lived much longer.

    But to say an average age is 18 is incorrect.  I have ~26 years worth of cats in my house.  Average age is deceptive, since they range from over 13 1/2 years to under 1 year.

    When I grew up, a cat living into its 20's was common.  Now, people seem pleased if their cat makes it past 10 years.  Something is happening to our planet.

  4. I have 13 rescued cats now, I am not sure of the ages of some of them but I think they are under 10 years old. the others range in age between 7 years to 3 months. I had a couple of cats before this that lived into their 20's. one was 21 when I had to have her euthanized because of cancer, the other was 24.

  5. I have a 19 yr old and no that is NOT average... 10 - 15 is usual

    I make special provisions for my little old lady...

    I give her canned food... and occasionally chicken livers cooked.  She gets B vitamines and I give her knox gelitin for her connective tissue.

    I give her acidophius when her tummy gets all upset... and she is horking too much.

    She gets to sleep with me under the covers... and I put an extra sand box upstairs so she won't have to go up and down the stairs.

    She has a heated bed (the kind with the top on it)

    she is still the Alfa cat... but doesn't insist on it any more.

    Hope this helps.  

    My oldest cat was 24... she was a small siamese and VERY CRANKY! (that might be the reason)

  6. My sisters cat lived to 22 years.  

  7. 25 is normal.

  8. my cat family consists of a 16 year old, 2 14 year olds and an 8 year old, and they all act like kittens :)

  9. I have 1 male that I don't know his age because my daughter got him, but I think he's 7-10; Snowball who is 6 and Pesky who is 4.

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