
Senior Year of High School?

by Guest66999  |  earlier

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Okay everyone, I will be entering my senior year of high school September 2nd and want to hear from those of you who have already passed this point in your life. Tell me anything you would like dealing with the senior year of high school, it can be ramblings about the past, advice, warnings, anything really. Thanks in advance.




  1. Hi, Meredith!

    Fight that Senioritis! Keep attending! One of the biggest ways that I see seniors undercut themselves is by slacking off on attendance and therefore, performance. Do what you need to do to stay on track. You aren't done yet, even though you may feel ready to be done with high school.

    My oldest daughter had the worst case of senioritis I have seen. It is with her blessing that I tell students that she actually LOST a merit scholarship based on her second semester grades which dropped dramatically as she checked out more and more.

    When you find yourself losing your motivation, seek the help of others. You know who to go to: parents, special teachers, your counselor, friends with their heads on straight. You might walk into your library and find someone like me looking for an opportunity to help you stay on track.

    Give your favorite teachers plenty of advance time to write those letters of recommendation because the good ones get many requests. Offer polite reminders as deadlines approach. Make your own list of your activities and accomplishments and give it to those you ask to write letters. It will help them and you with your college application process.

    Develop friendships with boys rather than seek a boyfriend, and please stay away from drugs and alcohol. These things are distracting and potentially life-changing or in the case of drugs and alcohol, can be life-ending.

    Develop your integrity and your world view. Find a way to fill in the gaps you see in your education. Do something enriching and purely enjoyable: take an art class, assist in your school's children's program if there is one, do something worthwhile that isn't necessarily academic. I offer these suggestions so that you can set your goals and work to reach them but at the same time, stay present in the here and now. This is your senior year of high school: Look around and take it all in!

    I wish you all the success you can find!

  2. Okay I'm 20 yrs old and I was in my senior year three years ago. Hmmmm well senior year you would have a lot of work to do. Remember you will sometimes have a free class but also do work and have some fun. It's your senior year. Don't slow down on school work because it determines whether you pass and get the heck outta high school. I had so much my senior year. But I also had some bad times because school work gets in the way of having some time with your friends. It's hard to juggle both, really. Do as much as you can. I mean have fun but also have time to do your homework and take some time to hang with your friends. Participate in the senior yearbook, I did. Remember you would never forget your senior year so make memorable. Also start saving up for prom. And just keep your head in the game. You thought 9th, 10th and 11th grade was hard, well 12th grade is different. It's harder and tougher. Because all the work that you have to do and the dead lines that you have. Trust me it's tough. You better do everything on time and don't wait for the last minute. My two best friends did that and they didn't get to graduate and they both dropped out. Don't do the same. Well good luck. work hard and most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!!!!! It's you SENIOR YEAR!!!!  

  3. The media makes college applications seem like the worst thing in the world, but they're not really. As long as you don't apply to more than about 4 or 5 colleges, it's not that stressful. Just make sure that you are pretty sure you will get accepted to at least one.

    I applied to 3 colleges (I only applied to the 3rd because my dad made me). As for the 2 I cared about, 1 was basically my dream college and the other was basically a safety college. If you apply to an Ivy League college, apply to a not-so-prestigous college (there are lots of colleges that aren't brand-name, but are perfectly good colleges).

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