
Senior class schedule help! What would make getting into college easier?

by Guest60468  |  earlier

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AP Biology

Honors Physics

AP Calculus

AP French



that is my schedule and I'm having second thoughts. Right now i really want to drop calc. if i drop it, should i replace it with statistics or have no math class at all?

My goal is UCLA.





  1. Most of what gets you into college is your previous classes (and grades), tests, essay. Your senior year classes only show them that you're still focused on school and not looking for an easy last year.

    They all look like fine classes if you're prepared for the huge amount of work you'll be doing. If its too much work and your grades slip, its possible that colleges will remove your acceptance (if you get in).

    If your previous years of highschool classes look like that, and you did well in them, you shouldn't have any problems as far as classes go. UCs are also looking for extra curricular involvement, so take that into consideration.

  2. UCLA is one of the hardest UC schools to get into. I have no idea what your SAT scores are, or what you do for extra-curriculars, but that schedule that you have is sound. I don't know of anyone who was accepted into UCLA as a freshman without graduating high school with at least calculus. If you REALLY need to drop it, than definitely still take another math course (if not just regular calculus instead of AP calc).

    Also, on a side note, the UCs are much easier to get into if you apply as a transfer instead of a freshman. Keep that in mind if you are downright set on getting into UCLA and don't get in as a freshman.

    Good luck!

  3. You definitely need to take a math and preferably Calc. I had a schedule similar to that my senior year, and dropped calculus and took stat. But I kinda wished I hadn't because you have to take Calc in college, so if you can get credit for it while in high school that would be better because college calc is definitely nothing to mess with. It's definitely a tough schedule you have. If you were going to drop anything, I would recommend physics because it's not an AP class so you don't have a chance of getting any college credit for it. And if you do decide to replace it, I would take something like Yearbook or Newspaper, simply because they are fun and easy classes, and they also will get you used to writing a lot since you will be writing plenty of essays i college. Hope it helps. Good Luck!

  4. definitely have some sort of math. i would say keep the calc. a little bit of a lower grade in a harder class will look better than a better grade in a lower class. it depends on what extra curricular activities you have and what your SAT scores are.

    can anyone help with my question please!!;...

    thank you

  5. The UC system uses a chart that includes GPA and ACT/SAT score.  

    I just saw a UC admission presenter the other day and he said that even though only 3 years of math is required, they really prefer 4 years of math, so you should take some math if you have only taken one a year up until now.  Unless you plan on majoring in something that involves Calc you can drop it.  

    Double check their website.  I would go with the easier math to help you get the highest GPA.  It's not like you need calc to do well on the ACT or SAT.

  6. If there was one class that you SHOULDN'T drop, I would say AP Calculus. It is becoming somewhat of a staple among competitive students these days.

    If you are seeking an easier schedule, I would drop AP Biology, unless of course you want to go into that field. AP Bio isn't extremely hard, but it involves mass memorization. If you are looking to go into a Bio field, I would drop Physics. That class was too confusing for me!

    Good luck!

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