
Senior trip?

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Whats the best senior trip you ve had? Its going to be my senior year so im saveing up money but what should i do? A cruise sounds sweet...or mexico..or whatever. I want to be able to like scuba dive and all that great stuff...




  1. I loved!! my senior trip. It was to New York City, and I went to Sakks Fith Avenue,and Gucci, Prada, and the new Juicy Couture stores. The experiences were awesome - we went on a twilight cruise around the statue of liberty - but we didn't scuba dive.

  2. well our whole graduating class went to NYC for a long weekend.  it was amazing.  My first trip there, fell in love with the city have been back twice since. lol.  

    If you'd rather just relaz in the sun, I'd say mexico or the dominican republic is very good (and very affordable).  I would only recommend a cruise if you have a LOT of money saved up as it gets expensive seeing as you have to pay for almost everything on board.

    To get the most activities available though I would look at big resorts.  Make sure to check out what they offer (scuba diving, snorkelling, parasailing etc).  A travel agent will be your best friend for trying to find a resort.  Or even just go to one and grab a bunch of those free books that tell you all about the resorts.

    Good luck, have fun!

  3. I went to cancun. I payed $1000 for an all inclusive 4 day and 3 night stay. It was amazing.

  4. My classmates and i went to Dorney Park but im in middle school going to highschool so i think that there will be more to come in highschool



  5. First off I hope you have a terrific time, no matter what you end up choosing! Wish I had time for a vacation!

    I hear the sea cruise trips are the best! You can meet all types of people, and you are bound to meet others of similar age, and who have much in common with you.

    Think of all the friends you can make. Enjoy that trip!

  6. The best trip was Aruba.  You can perform your activities there, it may be safer than Mexico as it is smaller and less 'corrupt', wait, not corrupt at all.  People will treat you very well there.  Safety first, then enjoy!

  7. I couldn't afford a senior trip when I was in high school or college...Water World was about as exciting as it got...
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