
Senior wives, husbands, who is more likely to go to the doctor, you or your spouse?

by Guest33684  |  earlier

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My husband will diagnose himself, and puts off going to the doctor until he figures he just has to. I only go if I really need to, problem is the last few years, the need has been too great of a need or me! lol We both are good about our yearly checkups. So who is more likely to seek medical attention between the two of you?




  1. I go more often, but he goes when he needs a physical or like tomorrow the dreaded colonoscopy.

  2. My husband.

  3. I go if I'm forced to, but Roxy will go if the need arises. She is getting sick of Doctors as this last year she has been going for follow ups on her knee Operation. Other than that we are both quite healthy, thank goodness.  

  4. My husband is presently under a Dr's. care.

  5. Spouse.

  6. Hubby. He gets regular check ups at the VA Hospital twice a year. Doctor's orders. The man will outlive me. I have to be really sick or in pain to go see a doctor. It has been years since I have been. No check-ups or anthing. Poppy

  7. spouse.  i hate going to doctor they always find something new for me to worry about.

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