
Seniors, who do you want to win the election (U.S.)?

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McCain, Obama, Nader, Barr, or somebody else.




  1. Billy ask again after we know who there running mates will be.  I just cant make a decision yet.

  2. MCCAIN hands down

  3. My Grandma likes Barack Obama...cause he reminds her of JFK.

  4. obama!!!

  5. I really don't care.

  6. 62 years old.  White. Native Floridian.  I favor Obama strongly.

  7. Not McBush.

  8. Obama

  9. My Grandpa said he'll vote for Paris Hilton...

    He said she makes the most sense and will lead the best.  

  10. My mom, a life-long Democrat, is voting for McCain.  She feels Obama has too little experience to run the country and is very disturbed by his past associations with radicals, most especially Ayres and Wright.

  11. Well - IMHO?

    We have another four to eight years of non leadership ahead...

    Only personal, political agendas for the masses to dispute!

    Keeps the general citizenry entertained, for awhile, that's about it.

    Leadership of the USA?

    focusing on, or effectively resolving problems of society?

    Hmmm - about as much chance as Miss America accomplishing anything, other than providing some seasonal eye candy each year.

  12. I could be wrong but I have to agree with earth. Something about Obama is just to false. JMO

    Not Mcain either.

    Condileeza  sounds good to me.

  13. Obama. Enough is enough.

  14. My uncle, a retired history professor says he's voting Republican for only the second time in his life.

    He says it's because Obama reminds him of Hitler in the early years, before things got ugly.

  15. McCain.

    Have a Senior Day.

  16. Condoleezza Rice

  17. One is hiding something and the other is not. When the voting is over we will find out too late. I personally look at it like a vote for some of the same  policies as the past president  or coming full circle and this country becoming totally socialist. Those of you retirees that have it good, will not after the wrong one is voted in.

    Your wealth will go to others.

    Remember, one of the candidates you know. Th other you really don't know. One has a history to check back on. The other is hiding some history. If you like socialism or are very idealistic, I know how you will vote.

    All in all, neither is my first choice. Remember, you cant take back your vote. This vote will be crucial to our country. Some will see where they got it wrong later. Others will not. The country will be torn and not on a racial level. It will be economics and poor vs rich or haves versus have nots. The practice of dividing this country over the decades has worked very well. Be ready to accept what happens.

  18. Snoopy..

  19. McCain

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