
Seniors, would you willingly move in with one of your children, if you were asked to?

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We all like our privacy, and our own stuff. I was curious as to how many people would move in with their children, if it come down to either health or financial reasons.




  1. No I would not  care to move in with my kids.  They all have a life of there own.

  2. no god no we are way to different .. we love each other very much but we are the odd couple she is grounded and keeps an organized house and does things at particular times i'm more like the guy dupree from the movie you ma & dupree?  I didn't raise them to care for me that way..i hope a nursing home isn't in my future i'd rather just drop dead while i'm bitchin about something but i will go there before i burdened them with me.  i could just see them turning my fat butt every two hours and changing my diaper?  uh uh no way i was a nurse and consider personal care to others an honor..but not my children..there are boundries..i want quality time with them not nursing care.

  3. I think it would be good for all concerned.

  4. i would try to think of another way around the situation if possible, no matter how much loved, we all need our own space.

  5. I'm like Poppy, I'll stay home!  If I went bonkers, then a nursing home !  I know they would offer out of love, in a heartbeat, but again I like my own place.

  6. I love my kids but I do not want to live with them. I think the feeling is mutual. LOL They are always welcome if need be but we are all hoping there is never a need.

  7. for financial reasons,(not mine)my daughter her husband and their 6 yr old son are moving in with me in ten days time

  8. Willingly? No. My mother lived with my wife and I for six years (before she passed away) in almost "ideal" living arrangement circumstances. Even though, according to her, it was some of the best years of her life (i.e., no financial worries, kept most of her own stuff, we supplied all the books she could read, all the food she loved to eat but didn't have to fix, "company", etc) there were still privacy and "independent" living issues. My wife is not catholic, but she is a Saint.

    Health reasons are why I say "willingly, no" but I don't know about all circumstances. I would kind of hate putting that burden on any of our kids. My wife's daughter and husband who are financially "well off", who I have only known for 12 years, like me a  lot and say they would take me in if needed. They are going to retire early, I wonder how much they would like me if I had to live with them? Ha!  If something happens to me my wife and her life long friend are going to move in together and "party."

    Financially, I would not like to be homeless but other than that I can survive on the resources I have available now. My dad who was brought up on a farm during the depression used to say "I don't care how high and mighty people think they are, they can only pee in one pot at a time."  I used to laugh but now I think he was quite the philosopher. So, if I have my health, the answer is, Never.


  9. No I only have one living  child, but I feel he does not owe me anything

  10. When it becomes necessary for me to no longer live alone, My daughter-in-laws have already told me that they will take care for me.

    I will not be going to a nursing home. Thank God for that.

    I will only move in with one of my children when it is absolutely necessary. I intend to pay my way, when I do. I do not want to be any more of a burden to them then I need to be. Good question. ~~~~~

  11. A week ago, I would have told you no way,no how! I am a caregiver for my Dad. My Dad has Dementia. Dad fell at 1:30 this morning and I couldn't get him up. I called my neighbor upstairs and he was kind enough to come down and help.

    My Daughter and SIL suggested today that it's time for us to get a house together, so they can help me with Dad.

    To make a long story, short. It looks like moving in with my Daughter and her family is our best alternative.

  12. My daughter started asking me to do that as soon as the baby was born. hahaha  but now she is looking at day care and thinks it would be great if grandma lived closer. I would love that.  


    Only if they had a mother  in law apartment!   I need my space!

  14. I would like to have my parents live with me, when the time comes. I know they like their privacy.. I would like to build them their own home on our property.  I am not sure they would go for it..

    My father has discussed my sister moving in with them, but I do not think that is the best plan.

    I do not think of it as an imposition or a burden.. I have always wanted a close family.. I think their own home on the property would give us both the privacy, yet still be there for any needs that may arrise.

  15. my wife and i moved in with our oldest daughter when we moved to new mexico

  16. I would not really like to,but in dire necessity i would.

  17. I would and I did!  When I moved to Australia for 6 yrs, I sold my house and contents and when I returned in 2006 I had nothing of my own to come back to.  My daughter asked me to move in with her and her husband until I decided what I would do and it worked out so well I stayed on!  Yes, I do miss having my own place and more privacy and so many personal things I would like to have out, but instead are packed away in boxes in the garage, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives.  I'm free to come and go, to travel for extended periods of time without worrying about leaving a place of my own unattended and my little Yorkie is in good hands in familiar surroundings when I'm away.

  18. What about one of your children moving in with you?  

  19. i was looking at an old two family house.  thinking about me in half and daughters family in other half.  we would split yard work and they would have a babysitter right next door when needed.  still both have privacy.

  20. No.  I would have to be very desperate to do that.

  21. It is not my preference, however, I have thought about it long and hard and realize it may one day be a necessity. In that case, yes, I would. I am blessed in that my kids are great adults who truly care about me so I know they would honor my need for space and privacy.

    But until that day comes, I am relying on me, myself and I and eventually maybe my best friend [with whom I may do a share in the future]

  22. I always told my children if I cant take care of myself put me in a nursing home that I don't want to live with them. I have taken care of them off and on over the years move in and out and never told them no. But I had a time a few years ago when my husband and I were in between jobs and needed a place to stay for 2 weeks and nary a three would let us stay with them and then my daughter said my son- law said we could stay for a month but he said 200 a week and buy all grocery's and cook clean and take care of house and i did but when with moved out that was it no more moving in with mom and dad again  and I told them I would rather go to NH than go thru that again I know it was mostly my son-law but my daughter could have said something or my sons stepped up I was shocked to be treated this way after all I was always there for all them and still em but Iam a little more caution than I was no not really Iam a sucker for them but I still don't want to do that again, you just don't know till it happens to you.

  23. I love my children but I would have to be dragged there to live with them. They would be good to me, but I love living in my own home. Hire help for me if I must, but I am staying home.    Poppy

  24. I really wouldn't want to move in with them, but never know what circumstances will be. I will try to see that it doesn't have to happen. Close is good, but 'with' is a little much.

  25. Absolutely no. With all respect to your Q content and I understand the premise but know I did not raise a child to become their dependent. I made choices and decisions that only I am responsible for and am prepared to meet as I further age.

    Good Q and has been a topic of discussion in the past.

    I do think it is of great importance to release the responsibility that off spring may feel to do so.

    Family table discussion early can make these decisions and desires easier for children.

  26. I don't think I would want to burden my girls that way. I would go to a facility that would take my financial or health or both situation(s). A lot of Assisted Living Homes and Group Homes help you in that aspect.

    However, if one of my daughters asked me to move in with them, I would. To be honest, it would worry me a little. Like I said, I don't want to be a burden. Hopefully, if that ever happened, I would be well enough to contribute my time, effort, chores, (i don't do windows) :D and baby sitting duties.

    love ya,

    {{{hugs}}} <><

  27. I thin for financial reasons it may be needed.  But I think I'd have to have kind of a separate apartment as part of their house, my own living quarters.  Its not fair to either to live right in with each other.

  28. If they ever move out of here I might consider that!

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