
Seniors: If you could go back to your freshman year, what would you change?, what is your advice 10 points?

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Freshman in four days.

long advice: most likely picked for best answer

Just spil it out from your heart/soul/ brain/angry/





  1. Well i would change what happened with my ex gfriend. Because who you think you are is completely wrong, you may think your cool but your not. The only way to live without regrets is to be who you are and not some thing that you want to be.

  2. I would change my friends. I made a lot of mistakes and it all involved the people I was with.

  3. i wouldnt be so cocky, i always hated when you graduate 8th grade you feel like you are like the big fish in the pond but a few months later you are back down to the smallest (freshman year). I also probably would have respected seniors alot more then i did. As a senior this year, I can't stand how the lower classmen have no respect for us. I also would spend less time complaining and causing drama and more time enjoying the momments. I noticed that Highschool gets better and better year by year. If I could go back and cherish it some more, I def. would. haha also, sorry this just popped in my head, I would not want to be eager to grow up and be an adult. Cause let me tell ya, lol growing up sucks! Responsibilities just keep piling up and your decisions on life will effect you unil death. So my advice to teens, enjoy life! Once hitting the big 1-8, its not as much fun as it seems, believe me! =]

  4. i wish i never said that.

    OH YEAH..

    and:  i wish i never met her.

  5. AH! freshman yr was the worst! I would change everything!  

  6. I would try not to be so nervous about being in a big new school, and pick better friends.

  7. is this high school or college? no matter...

    I would have taken courses that met the highest requirements. I would have sucked up all the tiredness I felt at the end of the day to give my homework my all instead of sometimes rushing through it. I would have studied- I'm a nonstudier. I would have made myself as close to a 4.0 student as possible.  

  8. omg alot!!!

    i would mostly change the fact that i never went to school. So now i have to make it up on online classes. make sure not to skip trust me.

  9. I would change the way i acted, i usaly acted badly and go in trouble alot and dident get me anywhere, i would also have not cared aout friends as much as i did b/c chances are you wont see half of them after school, i would also pay atention alot more than i did because it helps....

  10. I would

    -study harder; the more you learn now, the easier post-secondary will be

    -realize that "friends" who used me and made me feel bad about myself were not friends

    -give the geeks/loners a chance. They were the best friends I could have asked for

    -not focus on popularity. You'll come to realize that everyone is insecure and being known is not as important as being well liked.

    -be friendly to everyone. Then nobody will have anything bad to say about you. No drama. Ahhh.

    -show respect to all my teachers. The might come back again in the following years

  11. I would correct my mistakes and will sleep with many as possible...

  12. Okay well I am not a senior but I am a junior.

    I wish that i did a lot better in school I kinda did horrid. I wish I studied more etc.

    The first day of school most of the freshman went to one spot and now we are still there its really helpful cuz if i need to find my friends I know where they will be. So get all your freshie friends together in one little spot of the school.

    Have fun and remeber who your friends are

    and don't do drugs!!

  13. dont listen to people that say freshman year isnt important, get grades as if your life depended on it. cause they DO matter, evein in your freshman year.

  14. Well,

    I'm a senior...and I would probably change the fact that I had cancer my freshman year and missed most of that year in school:(

    and the fact that I failed 2 classes that year also,but otherwise,I wouldn't change much!

  15. I wouldn't change a thing. As long as you do what you have to do to keep your grades up, freshman year will be fun...however its not really freshman year you have to worry about...its what you do socially in high school...if i could go back i would change what i did socially in my junior year...i was a fun loving person who was completely innocent when i was a freshman...then when i moved i fell for this guy..needless to say he was my undoing...I'm still not completely over him because he just won't let me go kinda and i got into some stuff that I'm ashamed of....but I'm moving on...but my advice would be to not let people pull you down and don't try to please them by going out of your way. Pay attention to the kinda people you hang out far as drugs or smoking goes, i would say if you don't have a desire to try them don't do them. If you have a curiosity then you should have a taste test but that's don't want to get into stuff like that cause it can change who you have to be strong no matter what happens and trust me a lot of bull will happen in high nice to people, even if they aren't to you, cause its just not worth it to have drama in high school...but most the most important is to keep your gpa up throughout high school. I'm glad i did cause i don't have to worry about getting into the college of my choice...goodluck, you'll need it...

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