
Seniors: Is this the only section you go to?

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Do the other sections have too many young wild hooligans?




  1. Oh  no. I go into other cats..  I do get one of my favorite avaters and change my name to go into a couple of them, doesn't do much good just makes them look a little harder to find me to give me a thumbs down.  I have two that follow me everywhere just to give me a thumbs down

  2. No, I am all over the place. . .I even read profiles ! I help out in Homework and Trivia. I love words and wordplay, and when I'm goofy and slap happy,  I go to polls and surveys !  I come here to Senior Citizens to calm my brain down , and listen to your soothing words. . . .Thanks guys ! !

  3. I like to visit other places too. I love Seniors best though. I have more in common here than anywhere else.When I turn on my computer Seniors is the first place I come to. Poppy

  4. I spend time in marriage & divorce, politics and elections. The political section gets really childish and some of the questions/answers I've read are so absurd it's hard to take for very long.

    I really enjoy Seniors because most of us have wisdom and are past the stage of behaving like 5 year olds.

  5. I go to other sections also

  6. Well I got so tired of the Polls and Surveys senseless babble, and the "Could I be pregnant?" questions that seem to pop up anywhere. I discovered this section just a week ago, and now I much prefer it over anywhere else. I enjoy reading the sensible, legitimate questions here.  

  7. No. I go to many of them. Hate to limit my views to any age group.

  8. I go to a few other site, but the hostility gets to me.

  9. I visit the seniors section more than any other. Not because of young wild hooligans (there are some old wild hooligans here) but because I don't know a lot about some questions in other categories. Heck I don't even know what people are talking about here much of the time. I have my own wild hooligans that come to visit me often here at home and I love them.


  10. Nope! Got my first 5000 points in politics, but wanted to answer in sections that had a little more intelligence going on.

  11. no and no

  12. No, I go to other sections.  I actually just discovered this section.  It is refreshing.  Everyone is so nice and polite.  We just had six trolls in the Houston Travel Section who terrorized everyone for the several weeks before they were banished.  I don't know how that works, but I and several others had to make our profiles private and unselect our emailing capabilities. All six of them were connected in some way and they began to play politics and pit the regulars against each other.  People can be so weird now days.

  13. I do go to other categories but mostly P&S where there are quite a few wild hooligans who make me laugh.  I usually only go to other cats. when I have a Question about something specific.

  14. Na..i go to R&S and Health once in a while although women's health questions is mostly about periods! I only had two.. when is it due and when will it stop ha ha

  15. Hiya Stunt!  I go to other categories. I always ~return~ here. ;~)

    love ya

    {{{hugs}}} from randi

    p.s. there are hooligans everywhere. not so much here. yet, i get reported here the most. ;~)

  16. Took me a long time to even find Seniors and I pretty much "reside" here now. We seem to cover much of what's going on in the other sections anyway....just feel more free to talk, share and debate here, without having to suffer harsh criticism or judgement. Guess you could say we're more tolerant of each others differences and even appreciate them.

  17. I go to lots  of categories. Some are over run with bratty kids(country, celebrities to name a few).  The only category I've stopped going to is religion -- those are the nastiest people on Y/A!  Somebody in seniors described them perfectly:  they kill your joy.

  18. I go to a few but like seniors the best.

  19. I frequent the Baby Names forum just to see what outlandish names some people come up with.  I also like Polls and Surveys.

  20. I go to most of the sections.  Unfortunately, there are hooligans everywhere in this world.

  21. No, I also go to the MILITARY section, the MEN'S HEALTH section and the COUNTRY MUSIC section.

  22. I go to many sections that interest me.  This one is the one where people seem to think that seniors means high school seniors and their humor is boring.

  23. No, I weave in and out of a few....some of the kids questions are stupid but theyre kids, they dont bother me, but I find the seniors the funniest.

  24. darn whipper snappers

  25. I generally just go to seniors,  Most categories, do have a lot of hooligans   and get a way with a lot of derogatory  remarks,  Just not my cup of tea,  

  26. I go all over and if i get some of those wild ones i just  overlook it cause i get to thinkin someday they will be my age tee hee little rascals  

  27. I go everywhere. If I want to accumulate points in a hurry, I go to Polls/Surveys. Most the time I just check out All Category section 'cause you see it all there.Pets is a good one too. But I always come back to Seniors for some of the more serious questions.

  28. No, but there are a lot of disrespectful and vulgar people in some other categories. I chose to not visit those categories. I generally go to food, health, and sometimes relationships provided it doesn't turn into a drama with every question. My most unfavored question is, 'do you think I'm pretty.' lololol get real little girls and get an education.

  29. kick the balls of the young hoodlums,ps anyone here after a toyboy ?lol

  30. Nope, I look around at all the categories that interest me - but usually come back here because its more enjoyable. Definitely less rude people here !  

  31.    If you want to get a Best Answer you better go elsewhere.I have 255 Best Answers, and only 8 of them from Seniors.8/27

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