
Seniors liking ninth graders?

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im going into ninth grade and i want seniors to like mee. also what are some tips for the first day of hs outfit wise and any other tips:] thanks




  1. Don't bother. That will start nothing but problems. Date guys your own age, maybe even a year older, but a senior... no way.

    Isn't that a 14 year old, dating a 18 year old? Thats illegal. Plus, a Senior might be ready to do certain things a 14 year old shouldn't even be thinking about.

  2. that's not a good idea you will make an idiot out of yourself and most likely the seniors dont like freshman

  3. Yes, it's true, sophomores through seniors hate freshman. Just be yourself and wait until you're a sophomore.

    P.S. I'm a senior.

  4. well sadly seniors see freshman more as targets then friends. best to stay away from them. sorry.

  5. Ok here's all you need to know since I'm a senior.

    SENIOR GUYS:iThe only reason they talk to freshmen girls is because there "fresh meat" and don't know anything about the real world. They basically only want you for s*x. Trust me, a senior guy has one thing in mind, the inside of your pants. They never take lil girls seriously. They want a full grown junior or senior and already have there mind sets on college and college girls. Trust me I know....

    HIGHSCHOOL: Prepare for a whole different experience. There will just be "clicks" everywhere. The cheerleaders, The emos, The urban gangsters, The crazy drunk smokiing people,The party people, The crazy outfit people, The rockers, The wrestlers, The varsity jocks, etc.... just pick your friends wisely and watch your back. As for your outfit, look cutee but appropiate. Good luck and I hope I helped =)  

  6. Just be friendly, but not too in-your-face towards them.  They were freshmen once, too.

    For an outfit, wear something nice, but not too "I'm starting my first day of high school!".  As in, don't get dressed up.  Wear a nice, dark pair of skinny jeans with a nice, solid colored t-shirt and a long necklace and ballet flats (what I wore)

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