
Sensative eyes?

by  |  earlier

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yah, so my eyes are super sensative to light. most of the time when i'm outside i'll be squinting unless i'm wearing sunglasses, but thats not really the problem.

the problem is that the dam floresant light bulbs in our school are so bright i have to squint inside and my eyes will get dry super fast. i oviously can't put sunglasses on inside though.

is there anyway i can make my eyes less sensative? my dad keeps saying i'm going to get premature wrinkling from all the squinting.




  1. It would be a pain to wear sunglasses indoors, but there are special contacts you can wear that act as sunglasses and protect your eyes from the light. They look just like your real eyes too. I would go to the eye doctor and ask them about these, and also just make sure that your symptoms you're experiencing are normal.

    If your eyes are really dry, just find some moisturizing drops at the drugstore or pharmacy.

  2. See your optometrist. You most likely have some sort of medical condition going on here. It may just be chronic dry eye but could be something else such as Ueveitis, which is an inflamation of the middle layer of the eye.

  3. this is something you might need to ask your doctor about but if thats not something you want to do maybe you might need some mostuized contacts or something like that. try not looking up all the time if that does not work and maybe occasionally rest your eyes , maybe at recess or after school or something like that. hope that helps
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