
Sensible Non-Christians: What is one major thing that Christians need to change in their attempts to reach u?

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There are a lot of immature people in the religious section that are here just to argue. However, I know that are are also some sensible people, even if they don't agree with my beliefs. What is the biggest thing that keeps you from considering devotion to Christ?




  1. Christians are so judgemental! quick to analyze others by how they speak and dress. christians are closeminded to all other thinking. how do i know this? i am one lol. and we need to stop being so darn preachy and down on others. stop forcing and brainwashing!

  2. He doesn't exist, it's a made up story to keep the masses in line and the powerful in power.


    Trying to legislate their beliefs.

    Believing this is their country and no one else gets a say.

  3. The biggest thing? Well, other than the fact that I was a Christian for many years until I wised up, it's the attitude of Christians. The smug holier-than-thou condescension. The belief that they are "chosen" and that everyone else is going to h**l. That sort of thing.

  4. My complete lack of belief that He exists.

  5. It's usually the people that don't really know the truth and how to love others like we're supposed to. A christian needs to have himself what he offers to others, otherwise he shouldn't preach.  

  6. I have mild autism and I found that Christianity was too socially demanding for me.  Too much pressure is placed on me having to go out and preach to people or approach them to consider Christianity everyday when most of them were not going to listen anyway and I didnt have the social skills to communicate anything to them back.

    A start would be if Christianity would stop putting so much pressure on evangelizing and such.  You can do more with charitable actions.  Let words come later.

  7. I want some proof!! :\

    oh and

    religion is the root of all problems in this world (aside form natural disasters)

  8. The fact that Jesus is a fictional character, just like Harry Potter, is a good enough reason for me.  That said, even if a god existed, I would see no reason to treat it any differently than I treat anyone else.  After all, I know for a fact that my parent made me, and I don't worship them.

    * * *

    ''Whether Jesus ever actually existed has long been debated. The argument (very well documented) is that there is absolutely no corroborating evidence of his existence in documents other than highly suspect Christian sources." - Riane Eisler, "The Chalice & the Blade," p. 122

    * * *

    Did a historical Jesus exist?

    The Myth of the Historical Jesus

    Do Any First Century Historians Mention the Jesus of Christianity?

    Did Jesus Really Rise From The Dead?

    Pagan origins of Jesus:

    * * *

    Nazareth: The Town that Theology Built


  9. Well, despite the atrocious way some so-called 'Christians' have behaved toward me, it really isn't their approach that bugs me.  It's the religion itself.  I simply don't believe that God would allow his very creations to spend an eternity in misery and separation from him.  It makes no sense to a person the moment they see Creator and Created as one.  Why would God condemn himself from himself?  Why would he spite himself by chopping off his very hands, the physical beings that act through him?

  10. Would you buy from someone who threatens to set fire to you if you do not?

    Just try reading a small sample of Christian postings on here!!!

    Intolerant, egotistical, hate filled and bigoted!! Eschewing education, science, evolution works of fiction and much, much more. Christians are the only religion opposing human rights and persecuting g**s, pro choice and so much more - but far worse whilst they demand freedom of religion they deny it to all non Christians and persecute them!!!

    We simply do not want to associate with people like that!!

    Perhaps you found the loving god Christianity started with it might help!!

  11. nope

  12. I'd rather slit my throat than consider devotion to a christian diety.

  13. There's nothing they could say that would change my mind.  However, I feel they should be more approachable and  that they are themselves partly to blame for the reason many people are turning to either other religions, or none at all.

  14. There's really nothing that anyone could say that would change my mind.I went to Church when I was younger like most Atheists and even then something seemed off to me.I think maybe I was born without the gullible Gene

  15. I was an atheist for 28 years. The biggest thing that kept me from Christ was evolutionary teaching. Now I learned how I was tricked.

    They showed me a hundred examples of a variation, (different types of dogs) and made me swallow that an acorn could turn into those dogs.

    I thank God He sent me down the right path to study this evil world and see how the devil is the god of this world. How I was blinded by his teachings and how evolution is not true. How all the evidence for it is either frauds, lies, gross oversimplificated conjecture, or just plan subjective circular reasoning.

    I am now a believer in Jesus Christ and I thank God He is going to save me from God's wrath of judgement of our sins.

    I pray that He will lead you people down the perfect road you need to go on to be saved as well.

  16. Could this question be any more loaded?

    I've already been there and done that.  I was a christian.  I did devote my life to my religion.

    The larger world and a bigger perspective showed me my religion for what it is.  A pretty lie, that causes more problems than it solves.

  17. I "am" devoted to Yeshua, just not like Christians who look upon him as this piece of meat whose blood saves them from having to be responsible and amend for their "past" behaviors upon conversion. I view his death in the flesh and accept it as the act of MURDER, not sacrifice. The world has not changed in violent or murderous behaviors because religions like Christianity always make excuses for this animalistic behavior. If ever mankind MATURES to see the truth for what it was, which by the way I "doubt," maybe our species may eventually evolve into one of compassion and not "sorry" individuals who use murder as a "saving grace" for their retarded behaviors.  

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