
Sensitive bump on leg?

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Okay So I have had this bump on my leg for about 3 weeks now - At first I was thinking I had walked into something inadvertently but it hasn't gone away then I way thinking maybe a pimple?? Well it is still there... It is a bump it is about mid shin. It raised and is tender to be touched. Oh and it is warm to the touch. I was originally thinking it was a boil or something like that but there is no yellow or white center. I don't know what it is. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks!




  1. ingrown hair

  2. GO TO THE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY!!! It could be skin cancer. A girl that i know had that and it was cancer, but she wanted to hold off on the operation for it so that she could dance in the alumni dance at the recital, then it got in her blood and its not looking so good. She'll probably loose her leg. Go to the doctor, seriously.
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