
Sensitive eyes? Anyone have this problem?

by Guest21302  |  earlier

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I hope nothing is wrong with me but my eyes seem to be very sensitive. When Im driving and it's just a normal sunny day my eyes will burn and hurts soooo bad and they start to water like im crying, I cant even see anymore and im afraid i'll get into an accident! I just noticed that this started happening last year. I also heard that this happens to people with blue eyes but Im not Caucasian and I have very dark brown eyes. I never wore glasses and I feel I can see pretty fine. Could this be something serious or should I not worry about it? Thanks.




  1. I have that problem too, since I've been taking some medication that really dries out my skin. Smoke and sun always irritate my eyes. You could try some eye drops to keep them moisturized- it's completely possible that they're just really dry. If you ever get chap lips, then this is probably related.

  2. I have hazel eyes (a mix between brown and green) and I am very light sensitive also. Get yourself a pair of brown polarized sunglasses and a grey pair of polarized sunglasses (color refers to lens color, not frame color). Wear the brown ones on over cast days and wear the grey ones on sunny days. The polarized will eliminate glare, reducing eye strain.

  3. Go as soon as possible to an optician for an eye test.

    If thats ok maybe you should be wearing sunglasses.  I find that wearing a baseball style cap is very good (it shields a lot of unwanted light coming from the sky from getting to your eyes

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