
Sensitive question, how do you put your pet down humainly?

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I love my cat but someday I may have to face this. I also have pet rats.

You will all answer "Take it to the vet" but I would not want my cat's last moments to be with a stranger and with her in fear. Most vets can't inject a small animal like a rat properly without causing suffering.

I need to know how to do this without the animal suffering in any way. I only hope if I am old and in pain my GP does the same as Dr Shipman.




  1. You are right that my suggsetions is get a vet to do it!

    But please consider this.... You obviously care about your pets. Would you rather they were humanely euthanised by a person trained and qualified to do it in a way that would cause no suffering. Or would you rather do it yourself and risk causing immense suffering?

    Killing an animal humanely is not easy. There are so many things that can go horribly wrong and the consequences are devastating.

    Some people think they can CO2 their small pets - these animals takes a long time to die a slow, terrifying and painful death of suffocation.

    Put sleeping pills in your cats food? That is disgusting and probably illegal!!! What happens if your cat does not die? Would you like to watch her writhing in agony after being poisoned?

    For small furries (such as rats) I am a firm believer that manual euthanasia is the best option. It is the quickest way, and therefore the most humane.

    BUT - physically killing an animal - even one as small as a rat - is very difficult unless you know what you are doing. If you get it wrong you can cause serious injury, which will be incredibly painful and possibly paralysis etc.

    The people who kill animals physically (eg in labs) are strictly trained on how to do so. They will have the procedure explained to them and demonstrated. They practise on dead animals until they get it perfect every time before they are allowed to cull a fully conscious animal.

    Where your cat is concerned there is NO way of putting her down humanely without involving a vet.

    If you do not want to cause her the stress of actually going to the vet clinic you can always get a call-out visit. That way she gets to stay in her own home, with you, while she passes on.

    With rats, again please use the vet. Attempting to do it yourself is just not worth the risk, and will almost certainly cause an enormous amount of fear, pain and suffering. Most vets can euthanise small animals with no problem - its a lethal injection just like it is with larger species.

  2. well its more expensive but I'm sure your pets are worth the extra expense,do as i did call the vet to your home he can do what he has to do with your pet in the comfort of its own home with you by its side, ....please don't try to help it on its way yourself something could go wrong and your pet may suffer the consequences, :)

  3. The vet will let you be in the room as he puts your pet asleep.

    We just had to do this, last Oct with a dog that I raised with my daughters. They thought of her like a sister.

    Honey Dog was blind, had cancer, and several other problems and was in a lot of pain.

    Me, my 3 daughters and my husband were all in there with her. They do understand that you love your pet and let you have all the time you need.

    Besides, if it was something that the vet could help... wouldn't you rather he told you, oh, I have a pill for this and your cat will be back to herself tomorrow.

    I guess you could put a bullet in her head, it's quick, painless, but then you have to deal with the mess.

    Anything else, well, maybe fomaldahyde on a rag to knock her unconsious then, um, I don't know... most other ways are pretty hard on a beloved pet.

    If MOST vets can't inject a rat without pain, you need to find one of the few, way before you need him!!!

  4. The vet is the only way to do it humanely PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO THE SLEEPING PILL IDEA!!! that's the most retarded thing i've ever heard!

  5. With 2 of my a dog, the other a cat.

    We let them die with us at home! omg answering this made me cry *tears


  6. This must be done by a vet please! But my vet came to my house to put my beloved dog down, so I was sitting in my front room on the floor with her, talking to her and stroking her until she went which made it a lot easier.

  7. I always have my animals put down at home when the time comes - it costs more in terms of a call-out fee, but causes less stress to the animal and to me for that matter. All good vets will offer this service.

    I'm not sure what you do with rats - I've never kept them. All small animals I have ever kept have died suddenly and I never had any of them put down.

    I think it is important to think about these things, as you never know what is around the corner. My last cat did suffer poor health for a few years and I knew time was running out, but in the end his demise was very sudden, over an hour or so, and it was a real relief that the vet came to our house to put him to sleep on his own bed.

  8. no animal can be PUT DOWN humanly? as they are not humans, so your best out -look is to look after your pet's for as long as they can be cared for . You will find that you will be a lot happier person knowing you looked after them until they died naturally !

  9. Take it to the vet. It is much better for it to be in the hands of a stranger then to suffer pain from you doing something you are not trained to do. Don't be so dam evil. Do you really think the animals care if it is a vet that does it or you? If anything they would prefer someone else other than you to do it and they certainly won't want to suffer.

    The fact is no one can tell you because you do not have the training or equipment to do it humanely.

  10. Cats are beautiful animals, and I share your sentiments.  A few years ago my partner had his boxer put to sleep because he had cancer. We stayed with him for the whole procedure and the last thing he knew was me holding his head in my hands and kissing his face, he died in blissfull peace. I think you could do the same for your cat.

    With regards to your rats. My daughter has 3 pet rats, and usually rats tend to die of their own accord, very quickly. I know it seems a bit upsetting, but they seem to be perfectly alright one minute then gone the next. Where this is not the case I would suggest the use of a stun gun, it is clean and humane, however please dont dwell on the demise of your pets, enjoy them and give them the best life possible, that's what I do, then when the dreaded time comes, if it comes you will know what to do.

    I love your caring attitude, we dont see it enough.

  11. I fully understand.... when this happen to my pet, i called the vet, he met me at my dogs favorite "running Field." i held her as she got the shot. she passed peacefully my arms knowing i loved her...with out the stress of the vets office.

    My heart goes out to you. i'm sorry.



  12. You need to go to the vet dear, they are very compassionate and will ease the cat's suffering and they will let you hold her as she passes on. This is really the only way to do this.

  13. I had the same problem, my guinea-pig was very poorly with a skin condition and was fitting, i had already lost my other two guinea-pigs to this illness, i decided that i wanted her to see the vet so i called him out to see what he could do and i was soo pleased to find out that there was a injection to get her back to her normal self again. But i knew i had to be prepared for the worst. So u can call the vet out to see your pet and to put it down in a place that it's happy and knows and u can be there with it !

    hope i helped x.  

  14. the vet IS the most peaceful way to put an animal to sleep. they have the expertise and the correct drugs, you don't, DIY methods are far more likely to go wrong and cause your pet even more harm than good. and most vets will let you be there while it's done, so it doesn't need to be with a stranger.

  15. Take it to the vet.  There is no way for you to do it humanly yourself.  A vet will let you stay with your pet till it is over.  They won't be alone.

  16. the only way to put it down humainly is take it to the vets!!!

  17. I have been with 4 of my dogs when the vet has put them to sleep I held each one myself apart from being very sad it was the best that could be done for them

  18. i am going to suggest a vet BUT make sure the vet allows you to stay with your cat. some will and those that won't are the ones i worry about how they put them down.

  19. I once had to have my staff, put to sleep.

    I took him to vet, held him in my arms whilst he had his

    injection and within seconds he was at Peace.

    So you see, he did not die with strangers I was with him to the very end.

    It broke my Heart and I took to my bed for Weeks until I was finally able to accept he was gone.

    There is no humane way to end a Life.

    A Vet, knows what they are doing and there suffering is very quickly ended.

  20. maybe if you don't want to take you cat to the vet maybe when the cat is ill the vet will come to your house if you arranged it but don't think about doing it you self thats cruel leave it toa professinol vet  

  21. Vets will come to your home to put your pet to sleep, that might make it a little easier for you

  22. The only thing I can suggest is a high dose of sleeping pills in your cats favourite meal! I know what you mean, I've had my pony since I was a little girl and I can't bare the thought of him being put down... a horse crashes to the ground when this happens (they do it standing up)  

  23. You may not have to face any of these possibilites. My most beloved cat, aged 11, died on 18th July. She had not been ill and had been running around a couple of hours earlier as normal. I went into my bedroom at about 10.30pm and found her, curled up on her favourite pillow on my bed, dead. She clearly went very peacefully and in a place she loved and felt comfortable in. This is the best I could have hoped for (aside from her not dying that is!)

    I really would take your pets to the vet for this. An understanding vet will realise your concerns and take steps to help you in anyway they can. Why don't you talk to them - I am sure they would put your mind ate rest or discuss alternatives.

    Let's hope it's not something you have to face for a long time anyway.

    PS - The Shipman thing - bad call! A most inadvisable comment - did you have a bet with someone??

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