
Sensitive teeth?

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why am i having sensitive teeth for couple of weeks?it soooo discomforting mee,please tell me something about it and tell me a cure for that.




  1. theres a toothpaste called sensodine . hope it will help . take care

  2. My dentist told me to use a special tooth paste that you can't just get at the store that has more fluoride in it, which helps for sensitive gums.

    I don't have it really bad but in one area.

    I would let a dentist know you have this because it is not normal to suddenly have that for a couple of weeks.

  3. use desensitizing tooth paste containg potassium nitrate.

  4. Sensitive teeth usually indicates that a person is having caries on the tooth. Tooth usually has strong enamel protecting its vital part which is the dentin and pulp. The pulp is the most sensitive part where the nerve of tooth is situated. The tooth is being continuously remineralized (minerals flow into tooth) and demineralized (minerals flow out of tooth).

    When dental caries occur, the demineralization part predominates. The main mineral forming up strong tooth structure (calcium hydroxyapatite) is being dissolved and flow out of tooth causing structure of tooth to slowly weaken and collapse. Of course, the enamel which forms the outermost part of tooth is the first one to be sacrificed. Once the enamel is gone and the dentin is exposed, the condition 'sensitive teeth' occurs. There are three theories on how dentin could lead to sensitive teeth, but whatever they are, they only mean that dentin is very closely related to the nerves that are situated in pulp. Therefore, stimulation of dentin leads to stimulation of the nerves, hence, sensitive teeth.

    However, dental caries is not always visible with naked eye. Your tooth might look strong and healthy, but its enamel might already collapse at the deeper part. It's like the concept of the tip of an iceberg. What you see is so little compared to the real situation. So, see a dentist as soon as possible. Untreated dental caries might advance to the pulp and damages the pulp which usually end up with tooth extraction. The sooner you take an action, the better and the higher your chance to save your tooth.

    It might also means that you have large gap between the enamel and cementum. Enamel forms the outermost part of tooth at the crown part, while cementum covers the root part. If a gap between those is present, it means, nothing covers the dentin, hence, sensitive teeth.

    There are other factors too, but I only stated the most common ones.
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