
Sensory room for autistic child?

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For Christmas this year I'm looking to make a sensory room of sorts for my autistic son. I know what all I want to put into it, (sand/water table w/ rice and beans; trampoline w/ handle; large gym mat; ball pit; chalkboard; plus I already have alot of little sensory things for him.). So I'm basically looking for the big stuff for it. Has anyone bought an indoor trampoline w/ a handle or a ball pit for their child that was very good, or very bad and where did you get it from. I'd love to hear the input from moms (or dads) who have bought these things previously b/c there is quite a price variation and I don't want to end up with a piece of junk! Thanks!




  1. I would suggest asking the OT and PT staff at his school for a catalog.  While the cost of some of the pieces will be over what you may want to pay, it will give you ideas on what to look for as far as construction, weight limits, etc.  If they don't have catalogs, they can at least give you brands and websites.

    You have a lot of active items in the room.  You may want to consider something calming as well. Ikea has swings/chairs meant to be hung from the cielings and able to hold up to 200 pounds.  Many kids on the spectrum find swinging very soothing.  Schools will often have frames with a vareity of swinging items...seats, platforms, large cylinders.  These are usually too large and exspensive for home use, but these ceiling swings work wonderfully and have clips that will allow you to take it down if you want to limit access.

    What a wonderful gift!  Have a super holiday.

  2. Your son is going to love it!  I teach children with autism and often find sensory 'breaks' the key to sensory integration.  I've used small trampoline's from local sporting stores and Walmart.

  3. I have helped parents purchase the items you are speaking of such as the trampoline with a handle as well as the ball pit.

    We have had success with the following brand:

    Folding Junior Trampoline

    You can even go to walmart, target or a sports store to pick up one. As soon as you go to a special needs catalog you are going to double or triple in price for the same item.

    The ball pits I have purchased from catalogs. You don't want the ball pit that are inflatable. You want the ball pit that have matt walls. You also want good balls for the pit. I have seen parents purchase the balls at a store and when you step into the pit the balls get bent out of shape. The balls need to be made with good plastic.


    An FYI - you want to make sure you wash the balls on a regular basis. They can get very dirty. I typically recommend at least every 2 weeks. They just collect so much bateria and dirt.

  4. Galt has some of the best indoor trampolines.

    As far ball pits I would go with Jump-o-lene

    We usually order from something like Abilitations but I know you can get less expensive ones from

  5. We bought one similar to this

    which we've had for six years and it's been wonderful. It's for smaller kids, under 75 pounds, but our daughter used it much longer. and it's less than $60 which is awesome because mostly they are expensive.

    We've also used the minijumpolene from Toys R Us, which is good for blocking out stimulation as well as bouncing. When she was tired she would lay down so she couldn't see anything else. Holds the same weight, for $50

    Also, you can get a disc swing and install it into a beam about three feet out. What we did was put a bike hook into a beam (they are 2x6, they'll hold MY weight) That hook initially held a disc swing, but also we bought a camping hammock (from walmart's camping dept) and you can hook both ends to the hook and get a bag-like enclosure for swinging. DD loved that!

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