
Sent a letter of apology, now what?

by  |  earlier

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I mailed off a letter of apology to a friend of mine and have not heard anything back from her. To make a long story short, I made her very angry and I wanted to apologize to her. Should I send another letter in a few weeks or just leave it alone. I have tried emailing, calling, and texting her and no response.




  1. Leave it alone. You now sound like you are begging.

  2. send another letter of apology and then if she doesnt reply leave it alone.

  3. I'd say leave it be, if she cools off and wants your friendship, you made the overture already letting her know you are available.

    If anything, approaching her more will just irritate her and sour any possibility of reconciliation.  Fact is, you can't force a friendship and if she responds after you force the issue, you'll always have the feeling that it isn't genuine.

    Let it rest and you may have to let it go.  Resist the temptation to contact her and accept that people change.

  4. Get the hint???? She doesn't want to talk to you!!!You need to think before you open your mouth. If and when she decides

    to speak to you she will contact you leave it alone.

  5. It seems like you've done all you can. The ball is in her court, she either forgives you or doesn't. Hopefully she is able to do so. I wouldn't do anything else.

  6. i agree with above, now go face to face with flowers or chocs if this person means that much. The fact you rock up and try again to say SORRY, don't re-ignite the argument, will stand you in good favour, at least then you've done what you can. If after this its still bad allow a few weeks and just drop a not, a can we talk? if not walk away and learn to keep it shut next time. However  always leave the door open though and explain you wont pester but you would like the oportunity to make it up if and when she's willing to see /disscuss it with you. This will give the situation time to difuse if the initial few weeks wasn't long enough!

    good luck

  7. Face to face would be more sincere, but maybe she just needs more time to cool off. Or maybe she just would prefer not to be as close to you as previously. Either way i think you still deserve an explanation. But you need to let her come around, otherwise you are just going to appear obsessed

  8. you tell her straight your apology..

    your letter can't show your sincerity.

    so you must tell her straight that you are sincere in saying sorry.. that's all

    HOPE i can help you..!!


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