
Sentimental, do you keep old birthday cards?

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I opened an old drawer today and found a selection of a dozen or so birthday cards from the past 20 years. I'm wondering whether many people hang on to them; which ones and why? Do you throw them all out, keep them all, or just keep ones from special people or special years?




  1. I have kept every single birthday card ever given to me since i was born.

    Of course my mum started doing it and when i asked her why she said it's because that way i know who i was friends with at the time, i can read the messages, and because i have cards from people that have since died and now the only thing i have left of them is their signature in my card and their warm wishes.

    Turning 21 this year and not only what i said above but i like to keep cards (now that i took over doing so) because each card is different and there are so many. It's like a Card Museum.

  2. I keep them.  Usually whoever sends them to me writes a special message inside the card.

  3. I was brought up sticking all of my cards into a scrap book.  My mum is a serious hoarder!  I still keep some, not all, only the ones i really like, but i normally let them stack up for a couple of years before i cull.  Old habits die hard!

  4. I tend to keep as many as i possibly can, i'm a bit of a hoarder and have some cards (birthday, xmas, valentine, mothers day) from years ago. It is nice to look back at them all and bring back the memories...

  5. i keep all my cards.  birthday cards,  Christmas cards,  anniversary cards if its a card i generally keep it

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