
Seo backlinks help please ?

by  |  earlier

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I want some backlinks for my site so I want to know how can I find sites that have link pages ( sites which have link exchange) One way is to manually search link directories for a category and find which sites have link pages by finding "links' button in the footer but this is so time consuming

So is there an easier way to find which sites have link pages ?





  1. check out

    or to be more specific, go to

  2. Here is a simple solution....

    Try this Advanced Search Query in Google / Yahoo

    "Keyword" inurl:links


    "Keyword" inurl:resources

    Note: Here the keyword must be your targeted Anchor Text for which you're going to build links

    So that you'll get the list of links page easily in search results. If suppose you're looking for "Car Parts" links you should give your search query like this

    Car Parts inurl:links

    Here it lists the links pages of all the Car Parts websites. You may use Yahoo instead Google to get more results.

    All the Best..!!! :)

  3. I'd not be looking for sites with link pages. Google has discounted those pages. The link you get in return will not count for much.

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