
Separation anxiety in my almost 2 year old daughter??

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My daughter is about to be 21 months and she has major separation anxiety from me...I was working when she was 4 months to 11 months. But since then I stay home with her all day...I think it's an issue both her AND I are going to have to work at...

Because I know the reason she is attached to me is because she spends every moment with me...And if I were to be gone a little more she would get over it a little...But I am actually scared to leave her with someone...

But it really is bad though when she has to spend her whole day touching me...She does this thing where she has to be stroking my hand...

In a way I feel special that we have a kind of special bond...I have a friend and her baby doesn't really show any affection towards her...And when Scarlett hugs me I feel special I guess...

I'm a bit confused...




  1. Boy, your baby girl is playing on your heart strings. She knows that if you let her,she can stay by you all day long and you'll never leave her.But she needs some kind of independance. Try letting her play by you and then move a little farther away every few minutes and see if she notices.If she keeps following you just keep moving.I saw it on But I think it will really work.

  2. stay home..she needs you to be a complete secure person

  3. You should work on this now before it gets worse and harder to deal with. You're absolutely right, she's attached to you because you're the person she sees most. And yes, it's a nice motherly feeling because you feel loved and needed. But this has to be broken. I would try to leave her with someone you trust when you can...maybe once a week, start with an hour away from you. Leave her with her dad or your parents or a friend. That way, if she's not liking it, it's only an hour of crying. So start with an hour, then work up to another hour. She'll be fine, and eventually, you'll be able to leave her without worries! I'm so happy because we did this with our kids (who are now 2.5 and 3.5), and we can leave them with ANYONE (even strangers), and they can care less about US, which makes it easier for us to leave them when we have to, without worrying or getting phone calls while we're away from them. It's great.

  4. I understand your anxiety, my grand-daughter, at one time did the same with her mother.  An at home mom, both constantly with each other, and not much interaction with others.  One car for the family.  But now it's changed, she used to carry on so much if she had to leave 'mommy'.  And I mean screaming, crying, drama. Mommy would 'sneak' out when left with me.  And she was absolutely fine, when mommy was gone, and when mommy came home, it was the same drama.  She's two now, and very used to me, now she carries on when I leave.  And I feel terrible, it's just the age.  Your a comfort zone, and the world seems very large and forbidding to the little.  And I still like touching, hugging, giving kisses to those I love.  It's a wonderful quality.  The other little girl must like you very much, enjoy, it's her way of showing that, speech is still not a viable way of showing love, when you still can't talk or have someone who isn't a parent understand.

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