
Sept 11th is coming. How do you plan to celebrate the lives of those lost to us?

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Some of you might remember me. Last year I posted the same question. I am holding my 6th annual Anti Al-Queida BBQ. For 6 years now it has grown bigger and bigger, allowing me to get more and more people together to celebrate the lives of the victims of the Towers, the rescue personal that gave their lives to save them, and the soilders that sacrificed everything to avenge both and prevent another loss of life.

I honor these people with a BBQ, an Anti Al-quida BBQ to be exact. It is not Anti Muslium, it is anti fanatical. It is to let those that thought to hurt us that we will never bow our heads and cower, that we will live, and we will live free. We can be hurt, we can shed tears, but we will never let the memory of those that have fallen on our behalf be tarnished. We will honor our fallen. We will remeber the innocent. We will laugh and we will sing and we will remember. So I hold an all pork BBQ, because Al-Quida hates that. So how will you REMEMBER.




  1. forget the BBQ PRAY for them.

  2. The best way to celebrate is to kill the b******s responsible. and learn who they are.

  3. Let's nuke the 'entire' region in Pakistan where we know he's hiding and Al Queida is growing stronger on September 11, 2007

  4. Pray for those family 's that have to live with that.

  5. well on every 911 a bunch of us meet up down at the site and light a few candles for a friends who pasted away on that day and for my boy friends who pasted away in iraq

  6. I plan to go to work, have a nice lunch, and spend time with my family in the evening. I will do all of this without mentioning New York , terrorism, or any kind of conflict at any time during the day.

    I choose not to dwell on negative things that happened to someone else years ago, I prefer to plan and work to make my family's life better in the future.

  7. I'll just go to work, live my life and do what I normally do.  I didn't know anyone that was affected by 9/11 aside from all the media hype.

  8. On 9/11, not only citizens of USA but all the people of the world  should pay homage to the innocents killed in the 'twin towers of WTC' in New York  as well as in the four passenger planes highjacked that day!

    All must take a resolve that those deaths should not go unavenged! Hence,a thorough probe be conducted and the guilty wherever they are be

    brought before law an duly punished.

      Thanks to the frequent intervention by US in world organisations' activities,many problems do not see the light of the day!

    The unchecked use of Veto by US in UNSC has let Israel play the role of "Bully of The Middle East', with impunity.

    Its close association with India has made India  a target for Bom Blasts since 1993.

    The setting up of Indo-Israeli working group           (JWG) in 2000, to combat terrorism, have caused 18 bomb blasts in India in which 417 were killed and more than 2000 injured between 2003 and 2007!

       Further, the Indo- Israli game plan to alter the balance of power not only in Middle East but also in Asia would affect India's interests adversely.

    So 9/11 0f this year should be a result-oriented

    activity rather than a rehash of a pale and insignificant ceremony!

  9. I'm certain your, 6th, all pork BBQ to "honor [all]our fallen" will come to mind.  Then I'll probably spend some time at

  10. My nephew is celebrating his 17th birthday on that  sad day,& I always remind everyone that we should be extra thankful he is with us,because our unfortunate  brothers & sisters ,touched by this evil act,do not have their loved ones anymore.

    Keep that pig roasting,Brother!Save a big old pork butt slice for me!

    I wish i could have me an Al-Quieda in a cage for a while!I would love to see him get real hungry & beg me for a pork chop!LOL! It would smell sooooo good frying in that cast iron skillet about twice a week!

    Then i would send pictures to his realatives.He would be a Jesus believer in no time!

  11. I grieve not celebrate

    I don't have to remember, I'll never forget or forgive

    Death to all Nazislamic fascist

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