
September 11?

by  |  earlier

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why did the u.s started the terrorist attack?




  1. three words; crazy ******* muslims

  2. What do you mean? Al Qaeda started it.

  3. It Didn't. Ask the dead pilots wifes and families of the passengers on the planes that hit the twin towers. Don't believe that conspiricy c**p

  4. we've had a battle with terrorists  long b4 9/11.

  5. the muslims started the terrorist attack.

    It's muslims who use terrorism.

    Are you on drugs?

  6. i don't know where you have got the idea that the us started this terrorism, thousands of innocent people lost their lives in this vicious attack, also the 7/7 bombings in london by these cowardly people caused death and injury to many,, don't get into things you don't understand......

  7. I'm sick of those conspiracy nutters who say the US govt. was responsible for 9/11. I'm English. Do you think the UK govt. was responsible for the London suicide bombings? The Indonesian govt. responsible for the Bali bombings? Or the Spanish govt. responsible for the Madrid bombings? The Muslim terrorists who hijacked the planes/planted the bombs were responsible!! Those who blame govts. are terrorist appeasers and are scum just like the terrorists themselves.

  8. They did not.  you conspiratorialists are goofy.

  9. ...i dont understand ur question at all.

    touchy subject youve got there..

    my best friend and her entire famly died. lay off blaming anyone

  10. Bin Laden attacked us and gave reasons why

    1. Our troops in his holy land- bush closed that base after 9/11

    2. Our support of Isreal over the Palestinians

    3. Our Sanctions on Iraq
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