
September 11th question?????

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Do you think that family members of those lost in the Oklahoma City bombing should be compensated just as much as September 11th family members (on average $1,185,000!)? Should'nt compensation of terrorist victimization be the same across the board? God Bless America and those who serve/served.




  1. bad attack against humanism

  2. Yes to be fair. But not to sound unsympathetic I feel we taxpayers pay too much for this, we have enough financial problems in this country and this greatly adds to it.

  3. The money raised was to help the victims of 9/11. But it was a demonstration of national pride- to show the world and the faceless enemy that though they had attacked us that we were not cowered. That is at least what it seems to me why the 9/11 situation was different. The money they recieved came mostly from donations of the American people.

  4. Yes, they should, but the victim of a white Christian terrorist is downplayed.

  5. The EPA announced to ground crews that the air was safe to breath...tell them that now while they have chronic emphysema and mesothelioma, WE OWE THEM THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OWES THEM, AND THEY'RE DYING PAYING FOR THEIR MEDS WHILE THEIR FAMILY HAS NO MORE INCOME

  6. i do to a point, however i think it should be pakistan tht is doing the paying, not our government since we had nothing to do with it

  7. Dude,I only have 1 thing to

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