
September = freshman!?

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well in september im gonna be a freshman in high school

and like any newcomer, im very nervous!

i am attending Laguardia hs (vocal majorrrr!)

i only know two people in that huge 10 floor school! :[

im sure i'll make friends, but does anyone have advice for me for now?

i need help!! :[

any help is greatly appreciated<3




  1. Highschool is pretty much like a pyramid...and unfortunately, ur down at the bottom for will be fine, if you just keep your head down for the first year...i know it sucks, but like it or not, yor bottom of the pile at the moment, so just dont mouth off to older kids, that wont make u many friendz...apart from that, just meet as many ppl as u can and be nice, and remember, u wont alwayz been bottom of the pile!

    goodluck with highschool...hope you like it better than i did!

  2. Be cool with yourself. Be friendly and open. And have fun! (I&#039;m starting high school too!)

  3. be veryyy afraid!

    the first daay is crappy

  4. I was very nervous last year when i was a freshman. It wasn&#039;t bad at all. I was expecting it to be worse than it was. Just don&#039;t really worry about it though it sounds hard not to worry. If you have a freshman orientation-try to map out the school it helps a lot. Or maybe they&#039;ll hand out maps.And don&#039;t worry about meeting new people either. Just be yourself and join clubs and stuff to find people with the same interests. It&#039;s not a popularity contest. In high school there is so many cliques no one is really popular. Instead try to find true friends that will make high school almost enjoyable. I hope that helped!

  5. WOWWWW 10 floor school!!!!!

    Just be yourself and dont change that to impress anyone.

    True friends will like you just the way you are.

  6. be friendly.

    if you are sitting next to someone you don&#039;t know - introduce yourself.  

    don&#039;t be afraid to be the first one to speak.

  7. speaking as a recent hs yourself..don&#039;t care what other people think...when I was a freshman i was really concerned about &quot;fitting in&quot; and being with the in crowd...even though many of them are still friends today, I found my real friends outside of the popular group. They accept me for who I am, not who they think I should i&#039;m not dissing the in crowd..b/c many of them are good friends, but they don&#039;t quite understand me as well as my other friends......bottom line here...don&#039;t waste time &#039;figuring out who you are&#039; just go with your instincts and be yourself and you&#039;ll do fine

    oh and watch out for the evil upperclassmen tapers....if they still do that at your high school during

  8. umm im 11th grade and when i first started in high school i was the same way.. just make as many friends as you can at first and as the year goes on drop who ever isnt a real friend..and do sports thats a big thing. i didnt do sports my freshman and sophmore year and now that i think of it i made a mistake. so just try and make friends dont start andthing with any body and dont let any body push you around and you should do ok.

  9. high school is excatly like middle school exccept bigger, u have nothing to be afraid of, exccept bullies =]

  10. I just graduated but yeah I remember the feeling. It sounds like a really big school which is good because I know that you will make a bunch of new friends. I didn&#039;t know anyone in my school at all lol so yeah that made me really nervous. Just be yourself completely and try not to be too nervous and also just have fun. Be open and talk to people and I am sure that you will make friends quickly. Good luck with your first day of high school and I hope that you have lots of fun!

  11. ok well im heading into gr.10 and a guy lol and the only advice really is to be urself

  12. you will be completely fineee! especially because the school is so big i&#039;m sure you will definitely make a ton of friends. i was the same way entering high school because i am so shy but i made my best friends there and in the fall i will be a freshman too--but in college! don&#039;t worry about going into high school everyone has to go through it and as long as you walk around with a smile on your face you will look very approachable and people will want to talk and get to know you. good luck and have fun because it FLIES by like you wouldn&#039;t believe but they are definitely the best years of your life :)

  13. u will probably know more people than u thank
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