
Septic tank, well, or ....???

by  |  earlier

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Digging out a patio I just discovered what I believe to be a septic tank, although not 100% sure.

It is four feet wide and made out of an inverted storm drain pipe about 4 or 5 feet deep and is filled with water (it is NOT concrete and does NOT appear to be a tank). Apparently the city in which I live went to public sewer about 45 years ago.

There are two pipes coming into this cylinder. One is coming from the direction of the house and the other is going the opposite direction to the back yard. It does not smell. It is only about 8' from the house.

Is this MOST likely a septic tank? If so should I just cover it up and forget about it or have something done?

Any advice is much appreciated. Thanx!!!




  1. My guess would be a grease trap and when it was abandoned they did not fill.It is at least today standard practice to fill with dirt or remove tank.

    My Best

  2. could be septic tank or cisturn for grey water

    with the lid off take some red coolaid packets and flush it down every drain in the house. If the red color comes into the tank then you know its part of the drainage system. You can do the same after that with the raindrains and see if they are connected. If none are connected then fill it with pea gravel and cover it over. if it is connected then call someone in your area and have them look at it and give more suggestions

  3. If there is no odor, it's unlikely to be a septic tank. It's most likely some sort of "dry well'", a system to dispose  of what is now called 'grey water'. They were usually used to handle liquid waste from washing machines or sump pumps. Check your house to see where your drains go. Is there anything which has a pipe which drains in the direction of this "tank". Maybe a floor drain, roof drain, laundry tub drain, etc. If there is still water in it, I would be careful about filling it in until you know where the water is coming from. You don't want to destroy a drain which is still in use.

  4. if you decide that it IS a cistern type thing for gray water, consider having a pump or some kind of access to it,  installed there before you cover it up.... if you ever need water during a dry spell to water the yard or the trees or the garden, it would really be a handy deal!!.....

  5. It sure sounds like a septic tank. It would be best to have it pumped out and filled as you wouldn't want anyone (people or animals) to ever fall or get trapped. Just do it and be done!

  6. sounds like a septic tank to me or a grease trap..most likely made from cinder blocks....i would have it pumped out and filled in with dirt and be done with it.........

    lic. gen. contractor

  7. Apparently you've never had a septic tank system at any of the homes you've previously lived in, or been around one when it was opened up.  If you had, you'd certainly be able to tell if this was ever one or not, the odor would tell you.  This was most likely a cistern, as they were called, a collection place for rainwater or grey water, (from the sinks and wash machine).   It shouldn't be toxic at any level.  I wouldn't even bother with getting it pumped out, just fill it with dirt and cover it over and forget it.

  8. That's where you can hide your weed, man.

  9. Almost definitely a septic tank, if you're positive you're on public sewer you could just ignore it, or if you have the money pump it out and remove it. There's no reason it would be a grease trap like someone else said since this is a residence (those are used for restaurants and such).

  10. Just a thought--go to city hall and see if they have any record of permits issued for your property, see if this thing appears anywhere. Unless, of course, you don't want them to know in case they make you do something with it.

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