
Serbia - Kosovo, Georgia - South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Double standards?

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The West decided to recognize the independence of Kosovo because Serbia had committed ethnic cleansing against Albanians (** The International Court of Justice called the massacre of Bosnian Muslims at Srebrenica in 1995 an act of genocide) and Russia somehow decided to recognize South Ossetia and Abkhazia as independent because they claim Georgia committed ethnic cleansing. Greece is both an ally of the West and support Russia so why do you apply double standards in the case of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus? EOKA B, supported by Greece and Cypriot Greeks, committed ethnic cleansing against Cypriot Turks.

" - I don't want to say anything that would offend anyone, but for 40 years northern Cyprus has practically had independence," Putin told the annual news conference in the Kremlin, "Why aren't you recognizing that? Aren't you ashamed, Europeans, for having these double standards?" That's Putin's view that represents Russian policy on Georgia.

I totally agree with Putin. Aren't you ashamed?

Inspired by a question 'Dalavere' asked.




  1. absolutely right.

    i think EU or even the UN has lost all of it's teeth, they can no longer lecture the world on policies, just like the stupid league nations failed before WW2.

    and let's not even talk about the US, a country that runs a facility like the Guantanamo bay, calling itself civilized is simply disgusting!(no offense to ordinary americans, just hope they can elect a president who can shut the d**n place)

    there is nobody in the world that has the right to blame russia in the Georgia affair, what did you expect? asking for a NATO alliance in Soviet backyard? i mean WTF? georgians were becoming increasingly arrogant, so the dreaded russian army put them in place.

    speaking on Cyprus, that is an issue that should have been solevd long ago, now the boring diplomats will just quarrell over the issue and the matter won't get resolved for centuries, just like the kashmir row.

    speaking of which, which side of Cyprus do you live?

  2. Thank you for mentioning that your question was inspired by a similar mine, although I posted mine with a different content and spirit, in the Europe Continental section.

    As for your question, I am aware (if well informed by the media) that northen Cypriots of Turkish origin want the unification of the island and the State of Cyprus and create a new peaceful future along with the Southern Cypriots of Greek origin.

    And this can be achived with good will and by the younger generation of both sides.

  3. You miss one single thing (among all the others)

    The nothern part of Cyprus is illegally occypied by the turkish.There have been so many violations of international laws about this issue,is really funny even to ask a question.

    Or if you agree let me go and take your house by force,and then give me the right to self-determine that is mine!

    Noone has ever (and not going to) recognise Trnc except...guess who...Turkey!!!

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