
Serbia vs South Ossetia and Georgia vs Iraq - How can Rice support her position ?

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Kosavo was recognized as a seperate state by the Americans - A break away Province from the heart of Serbia - UN peace keepers and the EU were guarding it for fear of "ethnic cleansing "

That was ok ?

Russian peace keepers have been in South Ossetia and the other Province - since the 90's a break away Prov that asked Russia to protect them from ethnic cleansing and later asked Russia to recognize them as the US recognized Kosavo

Georgia launched an attack that killed Russians and South Ossetians who by and large are of Russian decent


Now Rice condemns the very same actions she aproved of in Serbia despite Russian disapproval ?

How can she support this position -

Hypocrisy thy name is Rice ?

And - just how disporportionate was the attack defeat and occupation of Iraq by the US - when the provocation for Russia attacking Georgia was a literal attack and the provocation for the US attack on Iraq was the suspicon of weapons of mass destruction that they thought might one day be used in a future hypothetical war against the US

Russians died - Americans suspected

Serbia lost a Province due to US lead recognition of a sepratist movement -

Georgia has just lost 2 separatist Provinces due to an attack and Russia's military presence

Does Rice and Bush realize how contradictory and hypocritical this is ?




  1. through arrogance and hypocrisy

  2. Yes, it's clearly a question of American imperialism , in an effort to dominate the world. However Russia proved that they can't do it anymore. The world would be better off the USA, eliminated war spending and turn it into social spending. Then we will have peace

  3. why would Georgia pick a fight with big bad mother Russia? they wouldn't and must have been provoked if they did... the U.S. wants to leave iraq not make it a part of its own whereas russia wants georgia to be its own

    i agree that rice and bush can be hypocrits but you must also understand that russia wants to ressurect the USSR... to do so they will try whatever they can to cause tension in the region. they using an old tactic "divide and conquer".

  4. The United Nations recognizes the fact that South Ossetia and Abkhazia are a part of Georgia.  Georgia is a democratic country.  A comparison with Kosovo or Iraq under Saddam Hussein is ridiculous.

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