
Serbian Language: How do you spell this name? Pronounced "Mee-Losh"?

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Hi, I met this achingly good looking guy from Serbia, who said his name was something that sounds like "Mee-Losh". Do you know this name, or what name could this be? How is it spelled in Serbian?




  1. its Milos ;) my  brother is  named like that and yeah im serbian too:)

    Milos with ^ above S, only other way facing down.

    If there is anything else u need translated i'll be happy to help:)

  2. MILOÅ  in Latin characters

    МИЛОШ in Cyrillic

    Meaning: Glad, Pleasant, Sweet, Happy, Nice, Dear, Charming, Brings Happiness. The person everyone is glad to see

  3. milos..the s has an accent above it  

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