
Serena said WHAT???

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What did Serena yell in her match against Mattek that got her penalized?




  1. maybe she said i'm so pretty

  2. Not sure and it was said at the very end of the match, in fact the point before the last point was played I believe. Can not imagine it being too crude for being a Jehovah Witness, which I am still sort of shocked at knowing. I was totally unaware of their religion and being a huge fan all this time. Most likely said s**+*. Certainly didnt perform like it though.

  3. I'm not sure what she yelled, but I'm sure it was disrespectful and un-called for- typical of "Serena" and her "try to scare the opponent" type of tennis.  Serenas personality is and always has been a disgrace to Tennis.

  4. Yeah I doubt it was a big deal since it wasn't really mentioned anywhere. I watched the match and I didn't even notice she said anything.
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