
Serenity now.... 14yr old driving me nuts! HOW...?

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How can I deactivate my buttons he pushes EVERY DAY until I blow and lose my temper. It's CONSTANT sulking, CONSTANT complaining and whining. UGH! I swear, this kid was a %100 perfect angel, but since he's hit his teens it's a wonder I haven't killed him. It's like he saved up all the "NO!" from terrible twos (nonexistent in his case, he was such a doll). Any moms have a mantra or something to defuse this and respond with love? I need help! If I hear, "You can't make me!" once more, I'll be in the newspaper, and not for my achievements.....




  1. Hehe, i'm sorry to say i drove my mum absolutely CRAZY when i was in my early teens. I knew exactly how to p**s her off and i did, for no real reason other than i was a complete ***. He will get better, honestly :) By the time i was 15-16, i was much much better and now we get on famously! (i'm 19) and have a apologised profusely. All teenagers are like that, so it seems. He'll get over it eventually :)  

  2. My favorite internal saying is...'murder is NOT an option."

    As for the "you can't make me" baloney, remind him who has the control of the car keys, the wallet and his life.  If he wants to go to a movie with his friends, he is going to have to earn it.  Cooperation wins rewards, lack of cooperation wins groundings.

    Implement a zero tolerance approach to sulking, complaining and whining.  He's trying to control you.  Tell him that he gets one time to voice an objection, and then your hearing suddenly disappears, and MAKE IT STICK.  Put on the MP3 if you have to, but zero tolerance.

    Hang in there!

  3. LOL...Alright Mr. Castanza (I assume you  have been watching Seinfeld)"Serenity NOWWWWW"

    Here's the deal mom 14 year old Boys are a Breed unto themselves...they are stuck somewhere between BIG MAN and LITTLE BOY and they just aren't sure which one they want to be! My Son Erick was 14 last March and the Testosterone is Kickin'  In..but just enough to make him a REAL Smart-Mouth and Not enough to make him the Big Man HE Fancies himself to be...LOL

    The ONE Thing I have found is You Can NEVER Back Down from them..if he Smells Surrender You're DONE...Stick It out and be the Strong Disciplinarian  but Temper that Discipline with Reward when he Is doing the right things...REWARDS Work WOnders with 14 year olds...If he is Respectful,Kind and Courteous through-out the week then allow him to stay out an extra Hour on the Week-ends..if he is Dis-Respectful then take an Hour away...but I find mine responds well to the extra Hour..~~Aloha Mom~~This Too Shall Pass~~

  4. my son is exactly the same i go to bed screaming every night hes 12 going on 18

  5. Seems like your teen is out of control, does he/she live with both of his/her parents? I am asking because usually the ones with no dad or mom are like that. I have three boys, and NO, they were not angels, but they were and are very respectful to the both of us. Remember: there are no bad children, but there are pad parents. How much time do you spend with your child? are you there when he/she needs you? All you have to do is use common sense.  

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